Rattle and Hum

Jul 25, 2010 12:12

Title: Rattle and Hum
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 875
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for kristan1, whose prompt was humming.
Summary: Harry investigates a strange noise.

It wasn't until Harry's eyes grew heavy that he switched the telly off. He rose from the sofa and stretched before heading to his bedroom. Harry had found he couldn't sleep unless he was exhausted--not when Draco Malfoy was in the bedroom next to his.

They were both in Auror training, and as with all trainees, they were required to live in the DMLE provided facilities. Each flat consisted of two tiny bedrooms, a minuscule loo, a kitchenette, and a small living room with a sofa and a telly. The trainees lived in pairs, and Harry had gotten saddled with Malfoy. Of course he had, that was the nature of his life.

Malfoy wasn't such a git anymore, but now Harry found his roommate quite attractive, and his lust for Malfoy was distracting and annoying. He was wanking himself raw to fantasies of Malfoy spread beneath him and clenched around him while he pounded Malfoy's arse but good. Harry's cock stirred as it always did when he paused by Malfoy's closed bedroom door. He tortured himself like this on a nightly basis as he wondered whether or not Malfoy slept in the nude. Every night, Harry fought the urge to peek in Malfoy's room, and each night he went to his own room and rubbed one out.

Tonight, however, as Harry hesitated outside Malfoy's door he heard a curious noise coming from within. It was a humming sound--a buzz almost--and Harry wondered what it was. What if Malfoy was in some difficulty? Harry didn't think about it any further; he opened the door.

Moonlight streaming in through the window provided ample illumination, and the scene it revealed had Harry's tongue adhering to the roof of his mouth. Malfoy was nude, gloriously nude, and spread upon his bed just as Harry had imagined. The only difference was, instead of Harry's cock up Malfoy's arse, there was something else up there. Something that buzzed and hummed and caused Malfoy to bite his lip and whimper as he writhed on the bed and stirred up the blankets with his restlessly moving legs.

Harry stumbled closer, wanting a better look. His cock was straining at the front of his pyjama bottoms as it, too, strove to get closer to Malfoy. Harry bumped into the bed, and Malfoy's eyes opened.

"Harry," he moaned.

Powerless to resist, Harry dropped to the bed, crouched over Malfoy and in between his conveniently open thighs. "I have to shag you," Harry declared in a harsh whisper.

"Yes," Malfoy responded, raising his pelvis in surrender.

Harry grasped the end of the vibrator that was lodged inside of Malfoy and withdrew it carefully. Malfoy twitched and moaned as the toy popped free, leaving Malfoy's hole slick, dilated and ready. Harry fumbled to get his pyjama bottoms down. His cock sprang forth, eager to plunge into Malfoy's waiting hole. Harry guided himself into place and thrust. Malfoy yowled like a cat and arched up off the bed, taking Harry deeper inside. "Merlin," Harry gasped as he was all but seized by Malfoy's hot, greedy hole. He was less than gentle as he set to slamming his throbbing cock into Malfoy's pliant body over and over.

The sex was hot and raw and messy, and Harry loved it. He grunted in satisfaction each time he plunged into Malfoy's arse, while Malfoy squealed in pleasure on every thrust. Between them, they drowned out the sounds of the vibrator that was still humming on the floor. Harry wasn't sure he could make this last. He'd been wanting to fuck Malfoy for too long, and the reality of having Malfoy under him was far better than any of Harry's fantasies had been. Malfoy was hot and tight and utterly wanton in his uninhibited responses to Harry's every stroke.

Harry felt Malfoy push a hand between them so he could tug his cock while Harry shagged him. Malfoy's other hand gave Harry's right arse cheek an encouraging squeeze before trailing down the back of Harry's thigh and between his legs to smooth over his sac. Harry's yelp of surprise turned to a roar of completion as his balls drew up. He emptied himself into Malfoy's slick heat as Malfoy climaxed almost simultaneously, pulsing over their stomachs and tightening around Harry in hard contractions. Harry groaned as another spurt of semen was coaxed from him by Malfoy's clenching hole. When Harry felt like he could move again, he pulled out of Malfoy with a wet pop.

Malfoy blinked up at him in the moonlight before grinning and stretching. "I've been wanting a shag like that," he admitted.

"Why didn't you just ask?" Harry muttered as he disentangled himself from Malfoy's long legs to settle beside him.

"Slytherins don't just ask, Potter," scoffed Malfoy. "We plot."

"What sort of plotting did you do?" Harry questioned.

Malfoy's lips tilted up in a smug smirk. "I turned my vibe up so you would come to investigate the noise."

content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), rating: nc17

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