Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #53; Birthday gift!fic

Jul 05, 2010 01:24

It's the first weekend in July, bringing with it another Monthly Drabble Challenge. This month's prompt is "WATCH THIS!" As a reminder, you may write or draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, or even gen fic. This isn't strictly H/D, and to prove it, I wrote a piece of AS/S.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in comments below. You have until Sunday, July 18, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me. Below is entry:

Title: Perfectly Slytherin
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: AS/S
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word Count: 545
Author's note: Written for Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #53 - "Watch this!". Also written as a birthday gift for drijfwa, who asked for H/D or AS/S with a prompt of Quidditch.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.
Summary: Albus doesn't kiss like a Hufflepuff.

Scorpius and Albus lingered over the Pitch after their Slytherin teammates had finished Quidditch practice and headed for the showers. The two of them were in the habit of lagging behind to get in some additional flight practice as well as a few clandestine snogs. There were only a few wispy clouds in the sky, and the delightful weather tempted the boys to remain out even longer than they normally did. They engaged in some sprints from one end of the Pitch to the other and practiced some tricky maneuvers in the air. They added to the difficulty of said maneuvers by attempting some of them while snogging.

It was Scorpius who took things up a notch when he paused, hovering on his broom beside Al and said, "My father taught me a new move over the hols. Watch this!" He angled his broom in a steep dive, flying dangerously low to the ground before he flipped upside down.

Albus felt his heart pound in fear at his boyfriend's daredevil display, and he pointed his own broom down and shot after Scorpius. When he got low enough, Al could hear Scorpius laughing even as his boyfriend's blond hair was brushing the grass. "Scorpius!" he yelled.

Scorpius righted his broom and slowed his speed before turning and flying back to Albus. His face was flushed from hanging upside down, and a cheeky grin quirked his lips. Al snarled and leaped from his broom, tackling his boyfriend and sending them both tumbling to the ground where they landed in a heap. "Al!" Scorpius cried indignantly, shoving at the other boy's shoulders.

Al leaned down and stole what breath Scorpius had left by claiming his mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. He raised his dark head, green eyes flashing with anger and desire. "Don't ever scare me like that again," he growled.

Scorpius blinked up at him and smirked. "Scared for me, were you?" he taunted. "I didn't know you were such a Hufflepuff, Potter." His punishment for such an insult was another bruising kiss.

"Who are you calling a Hufflepuff?" panted Albus

"I take it back," murmured Scorpius. "Hufflepuffs don't kiss like that."

The smug smile that had begun to bloom on Al's face faded in an instant. "Just how do you know the way Hufflepuffs kiss?" he demanded.

"I asked Gilda Goyle, you jealous prat," Scorpius laughed. "She's dated a couple Hufflepuff blokes."

"I thought Gilda had her cap set for you," grumbled Albus.

"Naturally," shrugged Scorpius. "I'm quite the catch. However, I've made it clear to her that I'm already taken."

"I'd take you right here, if we wouldn't get caught," Albus declared, shifting to frot against his boyfriend.

Scorpius moaned and arched up. "The showers," he gasped. "The showers should be clear by now."

Al rolled away from his boyfriend with obvious reluctance. "I'll race you to the showers, then," he said, striding over to pick up his broom. "If I win, I get to shag you."

"And if I win?" challenged Scorpius.

"You get shagged by me," Albus replied.

Scorpius bent to retrieve his own broom and quipped, "How perfectly Slytherin of you, Al."

challenge: jmdc, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: next gen, content: quidditch, pairing: albus/scorpius, content: established relationship

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