Indulgence 3

Jun 22, 2010 20:02

Title: Indulgence 3
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, dub-con, creature!fic (Characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.)
Word count: 900
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for chinarosette, who asked for a sequel to Indulgence 2
Summary: Draco flees his mysterious vampire no avail.

Draco was anxious and spooked. Twice now he'd been ravaged in his sleep by a vampire, waking with dried blood on his throat, a sore and sticky arse, and vague, dream-like memories of being pierced by sharp fangs and a hard cock. Draco shivered in dread and arousal. It was obvious he was no longer safe in the Manor. He had to get away.


Harry found his chosen one's attempts to thwart him amusing. It was a simple matter to track Malfoy to London using an elementary locator spell. Harry materialized in the hotel corridor outside Malfoy's room. His chosen one had utilized only rudimentary wards, bolstered by a false sense of security that distance from Wiltshire had afforded him. Harry defeated the wards with ease and silently entered Malfoy's room.

Harry moved to the bed and hovered, drawing in a deep breath to savor the scent of his chosen one. His fangs descended in anticipation of tasting Malfoy's sweet blood again, and his cock swelled in anticipation of claiming his lover's hot hole once more. Harry licked his lips, and Malfoy whimpered in his sleep as if sensing he was about to be possessed by the vampire.

Harry grasped the blankets in one hand and drew them down, revealing his lover's flawless, pale skin. Malfoy's eyes fluttered. "Relax," crooned Harry. "Open yourself to receive me."

Malfoy rolled to his back and spread his legs while Harry opened his trousers and withdrew his engorged cock. Harry knelt on the bed, between Malfoy's legs, and leaned over him. He pressed his face to his lover's throat and inhaled. Malfoy moaned and tilted his pelvis up. "Soon, my pet," Harry promised in a husky whisper. He shifted his hips to press the wet tip of his cock to Malfoy's quivering hole as he angled his head to swipe his tongue over his lover's throat. With a snarl, Harry bit down and thrust.


Draco dreamed a lover stole into his room at night--one whose voice caressed him like silk and compelled him to spread his thighs in wanton surrender. Draco hummed in desire when his dream lover covered his body. He lifted his hips in shameless demand and bared his throat to the strokes of his lover's tongue.

When sharp teeth and a thick cock pierced his flesh, Draco awoke with a frightened cry. He struggled feebly for a moment until the hypnotic pull of blood from his throat rendered him passive and submissive once more. Draco whimpered in pain and pleasure as he was ruthlessly fucked. His mind was hazy, and he couldn't open his eyes. His pulse pounded in fear and excitement, but Draco's instinct for self-preservation was overpowered by the ecstasy he felt from the cock ramming into his tight sheath over and over.

Draco's own cock was responding--swelling and throbbing against his belly while the movements of his lover rubbed back and forth over his shaft. He mewled in delight and arched up for more.


Harry withdrew his fangs and hissed in pleasure as Malfoy began thrusting up to meet him. He had chosen well. Malfoy's blood was rich and sweet, his hole hot and tight, and he was an eager and responsive lover. Harry bent his head to lap at the blood trickling from the punctures in Malfoy's throat. The wounds closed quickly, freeing Harry to concentrate on the unbelievable sensation of fucking Malfoy.

Harry drove in deep and hard on each stroke, stretching Malfoy's rim and battering his prostate. Malfoy thrashed and wailed, clearly begging for more, and Harry gave it to him. He worked Malfoy's greedy, grasping hole with one pounding thrust after another. Malfoy bucked beneath Harry and came with a scream of carnal pleasure.


Draco's climax tore through his vanquished body, causing his muscles to tighten and convulse as his arse spasmed around the thick cock that continued to plunder his fluttering hole. He writhed and whimpered at the intensity of the physical sensations until his muscles eased and his body subsided, limp and trembling, beneath the vampire once more.


Harry's hips maintained a steady rhythm, pounding his cock into Malfoy's pliant body again and again. His balls drew up, and Harry threw his head back with a feral cry as he came. Malfoy twitched beneath Harry, but his eyes stayed closed and his body remained lax.

Harry slipped free of Malfoy with a wet pop and permitted himself one final indulgence.


Draco awoke late the following morning. He rolled over with a groan. His body ached, and the lingering scent of sex assailed his nostrils.

"Oh, dear Merlin, no," Draco moaned. He raised a hand to his neck, wincing at the scabs his fingertips encountered. His arse was tender and sticky, indicating he'd been violated in his sleep once more. Draco had fled Wiltshire to escape the vampire, only to have the creature follow him to London.

Draco swallowed a surge of nausea and flung the covers from his naked, bruised body. A strangled cry of horror lodged in his throat. Draco's pale abdomen was marred by several scratches. They spelled out a word, written upside down so he couldn't fail to read it.


Indulgence 4

verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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