Belated Birthday!gift: Occupational Hazard

Mar 21, 2010 14:56

Title: Occupational Hazard
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 810
Author's note: Written as a belated birthday gift for delorispea, who asked for a sequel to her hd_career_fair fic, Stray Pucks. This picks up where the drabble Brawling on the Ice left off.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Draco treats Harry to dinner.

Harry's hair was still damp from his shower when he entered Draco's office at the arena. "I apologize for being late," Harry said in lieu of a greeting. "Because we lost the game, we had to sit through one of the coach's more spectacular rants."

Draco only raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Harry nodded. Draco had promised to treat him to dinner with the first paycheque from his new job with the Wiltshire Warriors, and it was up to Draco to choose the restaurant.

"I planned to go to a Muggle establishment, if that meets with your approval," Draco said. He sounded almost defensive, and Harry smiled to put him at ease.

"That's perfect," he responded. He and Draco left the arena and settled into Harry's compact sedan. He drove them to the restaurant Draco had selected. Harry was familiar with the establishment. They had good food at reasonable prices. "I love Mama Maria's," he enthused. Harry was pleased to see the tense set of Draco's shoulders ease. He was reassured he'd made the right choice in hiring Draco to take over the merchandising for the hockey team. It was obvious Draco's financial situation was dire, yet his Malfoy pride had prevented him from asking for help.

Harry parked the sedan, and they entered the restaurant. They were shown to a small table by the windows, and they settled in with their menus. "The lasagna is excellent, as is the penne with shrimp," Harry commented. Once they had placed their orders, an uncomfortable silence fell between them. Harry cleared his throat. "Are you enjoying your new job?"

"Oh, indeed," Draco nodded. "It's much better than peddling candy floss and getting conked in the head with a stray puck." They chuckled over that. Draco's smile faded, and he leaned forward to look at Harry intently.

Harry's breath stalled.

"You're going to have a black eye by morning," Draco remarked.

"An occupational hazard," Harry shrugged.

Draco snorted. "Is that what you call it? It looked like a brawl between Firsties."

Harry's face got hot. "He started it," he muttered.

Draco laughed. "You even sound like a Firstie," he jibed.

"Shut it, Malfoy," he grumbled. He couldn't help but grin, though. His tussle with Auget must have appeared quite comical. He'd get taunted by his teammates for it soon enough. The team had been too subdued after their loss tonight to give Harry any grief. Tomorrow's practice would be a different story, and he anticipated that several of his teammates would offer to give him fighting pointers. Harry, however, was more concerned with Draco's reaction. "What did you think of my fight?" he asked.

"I thought the Vanquisher of Dark Lords would have made a better showing than that."

Harry scowled and slumped back in his seat.

"Do stop pouting, Potter," Draco snickered. "You looked very tough and manly rolling about on the ice. I daresay your opponent got the worst of it. He must have hurt his fists on your face."

"Malfoy, you are this close to being sacked," Harry growled. Draco's eyes widened in alarm, and Harry was instantly contrite. "Don't look at me like that," he said. "I was taking the piss."

"Lucky for you, or you would have been buying your own dinner," Draco sniffed.

Harry chuckled, and the tension between them dissipated. Their meals arrived, and they began to eat and engage in small talk.

Draco tilted his head, eyes on Harry's mouth. "Are those real?"

"Pardon me?"

"Your teeth," Draco clarified. "I understand hockey players lose a lot of teeth."

Harry smirked at him. "You know what they say: Less teeth, more tongue."

Draco's eyes nearly popped out of his head, and his face got red. He averted his gaze, but not before Harry saw his pupils dilate. It was an encouraging sign--perhaps Draco was interested in him, too.

They finished dinner, and Draco paid the bill as promised. When they exited the restaurant, they walked back to Harry's car, but Draco didn't go around to the passenger side. "I think I'll Apparate home from here," he said.

On impulse, Harry stepped close and brushed a light, barely-there kiss across Draco's lips. "Thank you for dinner," he murmured. Draco stood staring at him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Harry placed a finger beneath Draco's chin and closed his mouth for him. "I'll see you around the arena," he said as he got into his car. "Oh, and Draco? Next time we go out for dinner, it will be my treat."

Posting this fic gave me an excuse to use my new icon, courtesy of clionona. Isn't it fabulous?!

Team Player

gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: pre-slash, verse: stray pucks

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