Surveillance 68/68: Celebration

Mar 20, 2010 23:42

Title: Celebration (68/68) Surveillance series
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Hermione, Tonks, OCs
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex (characters are of age)
Word count: 1080
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for tsukiihime.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warnings.
Summary: A victory celebration.

Wesley Worthington's trial was a lopsided affair. Once such esteemed Aurors as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy testified against him, the Wizengamut's opinion was already swaying toward a guilty verdict. However, it was Felecia Franklin's testimony that sealed Worthington's fate. Felecia told of being in her room when she heard Daisy Dickerson answer a knock at the door, followed by Daisy's screams. Felecia related how she had been so frightened she had shifted to her Animagus form and hidden beneath her bed, where she had remained until Hermione Granger discovered her hiding place. She broke down in tears when she told the assemblage what a bright young witch and loyal friend Daisy had been, and some members of the Wizengamut were seen swiping at their own eyes.

The guilty verdict was unanimous.


Those who had been involved in bringing Wesley Worthington and company to justice went out that night to toast their victory. In addition to the Aurors who had worked on the case, Hermione and Helena made an appearance. Helena was still wearing a bandage on one hand, while a glowing Hermione was sporting a modest diamond on hers. It flashed in the light as she raised her glass of pumpkin juice and tapped it against her colleagues' mugs of ale and glasses of wine.

"To getting the bad bloke," Dalton toasted.

"Hear, hear," cheered the others.

"To weddings and babies!" Helena exclaimed.

Hermione giggled as they toasted.

No one commented on how closely Harry and Draco were seated to one another, nor on the casual, intimate touches they shared. If anyone was surprised that Harry and Draco were the first to leave, and that they left together, no one mentioned it. It seemed a lifetime ago, rather than a matter of weeks, that the two of them had been at one another's throats.

Tonks sent a knowing look after them, but she held her tongue as she drank her ale.


They didn't quite make it to Draco's flat before Harry tugged his partner into a toe-curling snog right there in the hallway. Neither of them registered the sound of a door opening until a voice intruded on their idyll.

"Harry, how nice to see you again!" called Mrs Fletcher. "How are you feeling, dear?"

Draco and Harry parted with a guilty flush. "Sorry, Mrs Fletcher," Draco was compelled to offer.

"Nonsense, dear. I think young love is grand," tittered his neighbor.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Mrs Fletcher," Harry said politely. "I'm much better, thank you for asking. I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for the lovely afghan you made for Draco and me," he added.

She waved him off with a smile. "I'm on my way out," she said. "You two enjoy your evening."

As Mrs Fletcher bustled off, Draco led Harry into his flat. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" he asked, hoping Harry would skip sustenance in favor of shagging.

"You're all I want for now," Harry told him. He followed Draco into the bedroom, and they stood on opposite sides of the bed while removing their clothing. Harry allowed Draco to lie down first, unsure of which role his partner wanted to take. Draco made it obvious by lying on his back and opening his legs. Harry was on him in an instant, kissing his way down Draco's chest and stomach before closing his lips over the head of Draco's erect penis.

Draco hissed in pleasure and wound his fingers into his lover's hair. He knew it wouldn't take much to bring him off in this manner, but he wanted to come with Harry inside of him. He tugged on Harry's dark locks. "Need you," he mumbled.

Harry sat up and opened the drawer where he knew Draco kept his lubricant. He grinned in delight when he found the magical handcuffs were there, too. Next time, perhaps. Harry opened the lubricant and prepared Draco, rubbing his prostate until Draco was twisting anxiously on the bed and pleading for him to get on with it. When Harry's own body echoed the refrain, he stopped teasing Draco and eased his fingers free. "On your stomach, love," he rumbled.

Draco rolled over and stuck his arse in the air. He clutched his fingers into the bedding as he felt Harry's warmth settle atop him. Draco moaned and shivered when Harry kissed and nibbled his nape, anticipating the erotic sting of a sharp bite. Harry didn't disappoint him. Draco held his breath when he felt Harry's cock nudge his opening, and as he drove forward and in, he clamped his teeth into Draco's nape. Draco cried out and arched his back to take Harry deeper.

Harry thrust twice more before he was fully hilted. Only then did he release his grip on the back of Draco's neck and soothe the bite with licks and kisses. Draco trembled beneath him and rolled his hips. Harry obeyed his lover's unspoken demand and settled into a steady rhythm of strokes. Shagging Draco was the most sublime feeling Harry had ever experienced, and he was glad Draco enjoyed it, too. They still had so many things to discuss, but there would be time for that later. For now, Harry was content to lose himself in the sensation of Draco's body undulating beneath him, his lover's smooth skin and silky hair pressed against him, and Draco's hole clamped hot and tight around his cock. Harry felt Draco shift and knew his lover was pleasuring himself. He continued driving into him, and when he knew Draco was close, Harry angled his head and bit Draco's shoulder.

Draco's shrill paean of pleasure reverberated around the bedroom as he climaxed. His body stiffened and shuddered before sagging forward in completion. In only a few more strokes, Harry came as well, and Draco smiled and rubbed his cheek against his pillow as his lover pulsed inside of him. When they uncoupled, Draco curled into Harry's warmth with a sigh and nuzzled Harry's throat.

Harry chuckled and stroked Draco's hair. "I love how affectionate you get after a good shag," he murmured. "You're just like a big cat."

Draco snorted and tried to deny it. "I am not."


I'm putting another series to rest. With this one, it's about time! I posted the initial Surveillance on September 19, 2005 in response to an awdt prompt. It was a one-shot...or so I thought. Four and half years and 67 installments later, I declare it a done deal. Harry and Draco still have some things to sort out in their personal lives, but I have faith that they will.

I cannot thank you all enough. Many of you friended me because of this series, and your lovely comments inspired me to keep it going. I am sure I'll revisit this verse in the future, if only to see how our boys are doing. Thanks for reading!


content: top!harry, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship, rating: nc17, verse: surveillance

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