Birthday!gift: The Virile Vampire and the Wimpy Wizard

Mar 16, 2010 18:48

Title: The Virile Vampire and the Wimpy Wizard fluffy vampire!Harry verse #7
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming, creature!fic
Word count: 905
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for cephalopinguin, who asked for more of fluffy vampire!Harry with rimming. This can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: Harry wears out his boyfriend.

Draco glanced outside. The sun was setting, which meant his toothy boyfriend would soon be rising. Knowing Harry, he would arise in more than one way. Harry would be hungry and randy, and Draco was looking forward to it. He had a special request to make of his boyfriend. Draco cast another look at the waning light and began to prepare.


By the time Harry padded into the bedroom, Draco was lying in naked splendor upon the bed. Harry's mouth dropped open in surprise, displaying his fangs. Draco shivered in anticipation. "Good evening, love," he greeted. "Are you hungry?" Draco stroked his fingertips along his throat, drawing Harry's hot eyes to his neck. Harry's tongue flicked out and Draco quivered again.

"I am very hungry," purred Harry, prowling closer. He halted by the side of the bed and undressed. As he placed one knee on the mattress, Draco stopped him.

"There's something I'd like you to do for me," Draco said. Harry's eyebrows rose, and Draco forged ahead. "I want you to rim me."

Harry sucked his bottom lip in, allowing his fangs to protrude. "The last time we tried that, I nicked you with my teeth," he said.

"I trust you," Draco assured him. He rolled over slowly, lifting his arse in temptation. Draco looked at Harry over one shoulder. "I created a special lubricant for the occasion."


"Mmhmm," murmured Draco. "A new recipe that called for a few drops of my blood."

Harry's body was abruptly hovering over Draco. "Tell me more," he insisted.

"It will taste like me," Draco breathed. He gasped at the first tentative swipe of Harry's tongue over his hole.

"Mm," they hummed in unison.

"Delicious," Harry whispered. His breath caressed the flesh of Draco's entrance, and Draco's hole clenched at the sensation. Harry's tongue darted out again, lapping up the unique flavor of the lubricant. He brought his lips to Draco's rim, taking care to keep his fangs out of the way. Harry applied suction to Draco's hole, drawing forth more of the lubricant. He raised his head and licked his lips before diving in once more. Harry swirled his tongue around Draco's rim while Draco mewled and writhed on the bed. Harry pushed his tongue past the tight muscle and delved inside. Draco clutched at his pillow and buried his face in it to stifle his sobbing pants. Harry's face was buried between Draco's arse cheeks as he applied himself to his task with gusto. His tongue wiggled inside of Draco as he sought out each tantalizing trace of the flavorful lubricant.

Draco's cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-come, and he was teetering on the verge of orgasm. Even the sharp sting of Harry's fang nicking his tender flesh didn't cause Draco's desire to wane. He twitched in reaction and whimpered when Harry pulled back.

Harry mistook his boyfriend's sound of distress. "Draco, I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"Didn't hurt," mumbled Draco. "Startled me, is all."

Harry ran his tongue over the tip of his fang, tasting fresh blood. His eyes were drawn to the droplet on Draco's glistening rim, and Harry swooped in to lap it up.

Draco could no longer stave off his climax, and he came with an ecstatic cry and spurted over the bedding as Harry's tongue did indecent things to him. Harry growled, rose from his crouch, and speared Draco on his swollen cock. Draco yelped as another wave of pleasure crashed through him.

Harry's hips pistoned hard and fast over Draco's upraised arse, driving himself into his boyfriend's velvety heat again and again. As his climax neared, Harry pulled Draco upright and sank his fangs into his boyfriend's neck.

Draco's body spasmed once more, and a weak cry escaped him. The squeeze of Draco's muscles brought Harry to his own climax, and he pulsed inside his boyfriend while he continued drawing the blood from Draco's vein.

Draco could no longer remain kneeling, and he slumped gracelessly to the bed. Harry grumbled when the change in position left his cock and fangs hanging. He pouted and plopped down next to his exhausted boyfriend. Harry leaned close to lick up the blood that trickled from the twin punctures in Draco's throat.

Draco sighed in delight and stroked his fingers through Harry's mussed hair.

Once the small wounds had closed, Harry raised his head and grinned at his boyfriend. "Let's go do something," he prodded.

"You can't be serious," groaned Draco. "I can't move."

"Aw, is the virile vampire too much for the wimpy wizard?" taunted Harry.

Draco smacked Harry's shoulder. "Wanker," he muttered. "Don't you have a...a vampire bridge club you can go to for awhile? I need to rest."

Harry burst out laughing. "No, but that's a splendid idea." He wriggled down the bed, placed his lips on Draco's stomach and blew a raspberry. Draco squeaked with laughter, while Harry smirked at him. "Tell you what," said Harry. "I'll go make some dinner while you have a short nap, okay?"

Draco nodded and yawned.

"Oh, and Draco? Since I'm making dinner, you'll be providing dessert."

Fun in the Moonlight

content: established relationship, rating: nc17, content: rimming, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, verse: fluffy vampire!harry, creature: vampire

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