Help Haiti drabble #1: Territorial

Feb 01, 2010 20:09

Title: Territorial
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry, OMC
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 170
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for alaana_fair, in thanks for the donation to the Haiti relief effort, with the prompt of green.
Summary: Draco defends his turf.

It had been Draco's idea to go to the Muggle nightclub. He should have known Harry would cause trouble. His boyfriend was completely unaware of just how attractive he was; therefore, Harry never failed to be baffled when he garnered attention from other blokes.

From the bar, Draco saw Harry smile hesitantly at the chap who was standing too close to him for Draco's peace of mind. Clenching his jaw, Draco headed to Harry's rescue.

" this drink for you because it's green like your beautiful eyes," the suave poacher was saying as Draco approached.

Harry blushed and ducked his head. "Thank you, but I-"

Draco snatched the glass of lime-green liqueur from the man's hand and dumped it over his head. "Mine," he snarled, draping a possessive arm over Harry's shoulders.

"Prick," growled the interloper before shoving his way back through the crowd.

Harry grinned up at Draco. "Now that we've established I'm yours, why don't we go home so you can mark your territory?"

gift: donation, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: jealousy, content: club fic

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