Birthday!gift: On Display

Jan 31, 2010 23:01

Title: On Display
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex (characters are of age)
Word count: 900
Written for: A birthday gift for euphory, who asked for painter!Harry/nude model!Draco.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. Author is not responsible for underage readers. Heed the warning(s) and rating.
Summary: Harry's latest subject is the object of his desire.

Harry glanced up from his canvas. "Stop squirming," he chided.

His model glared at him with a sullen scowl. "This is bloody uncomfortable."

Harry added some brush strokes to the hip he was painting before he looked up again. "I asked you if the bonds were too tight, and you told me they weren't," he stated. He'd worked with this model before, although never fully nude until now, and complaints were to be expected from him.

"It's not the bonds that are bothering me, Potter," groused Malfoy. "It's the damned cock ring."

"You didn't complain about that, either."

"Yes, well, I wasn't getting hard then," snapped Malfoy.

"Why are you getting hard now?" Harry asked, bending his head to his task to hide his smirk.

"I'm naked and trussed on top of a silk-draped settee, Potter!"

"You find that arousing, do you?" taunted Harry, grinning up at his model. When Malfoy clenched his jaw and maintained his silence, Harry continued goading him. "Does the fact that I'm painting you like this turn you on? Is it knowing that your portrait is going to a private collector who has paid a handsome sum for it what makes your blood run hot? Or," Harry rumbled, rising to his feet and stalking closer, "is it because you're bound and at my mercy and wishing I'd spread your legs and ram my big, hard cock into your throat via your arse that has you squirming in place and whimpering like a randy slut?"

"Sweet fucking Merlin, Potter," rasped Malfoy. His arms were bound over his head, but his legs were unrestrained, and at Harry's approach they opened on their own.

It was an invitation that Harry had no intention of turning down. Seeing Malfoy so artfully on display had caused his cock to throb with painful urgency in his trousers, and damned if he wasn't going to relieve the ache. Right now. He unbuckled his belt, smiling grimly when Malfoy's cock twitched in reaction. Harry freed his erect penis and used wandless magic to summon lubricant in the palm of his hand. He smoothed it over his cock with purposeful strokes. As Malfoy watched, his pupils expanded further and his legs spread wider. Harry knelt between Malfoy's thighs on the settee. "Lift your legs," he growled.

Malfoy drew his knees up, hooking one leg over the back of the settee and opening himself shamelessly for Harry. Harry rubbed the exposed flesh of Malfoy's dusky hole with his slick fingers before plunging two of them inside. Malfoy keened and arched up, undulating his hips to work himself on Harry's fingers. Harry couldn't wait. He pulled his fingers free and guided his cock into place and pressed forward. Malfoy grimaced in discomfort until the head of Harry's penis popped past the ring of muscle at his entrance. Harry groaned when Malfoy's tight passage clamped down on him and he plunged in deeper, heedless of how ill-prepared Malfoy was to receive him.

If Malfoy minded the rough treatment, he didn't show it. He tipped his hips up, allowing Harry to penetrate further, and draped one leg over Harry's back. Harry began to thrust, and there was nothing gentle about it. He fucked Malfoy, hard, and Malfoy loved it, judging by the way he writhed under Harry, panting, moaning and pleading for more. Harry couldn't get enough. He'd been wanking to fantasies of Malfoy spread beneath him and speared on his cock like this forever, it seemed. The reality of it was so much better. Malfoy's hole was hot and snug and it held Harry in a vise-like grip as Malfoy tightened and clenched around him each time Harry slammed deep inside of him.

Malfoy was wailing now, words like fuck and harder and more tumbling from his lips until new words interrupted the litany. "The ring, Potter...take off the fucking ring!"

Harry didn't want to break his rhythm to comply, but the thought of Malfoy coming with Harry balls-deep inside of him appealed to his vanity. Harry paused and snapped the ring off before he resumed pounding into Malfoy's all-too willing body once more. Malfoy bucked and cursed and panted beneath him until he arched up with a shrill cry, arms tugging at his restraints and flailing legs bunching the silk that draped the settee.

An animal sound tore itself from Harry's throat--a wild sound of claiming and possession. It ended in a deep, throaty moan as he rammed up hard between Malfoy's churning legs and shot him full of creamy spunk. He held himself still above Malfoy until his cock stopped spurting and his arms began to tremble.

"God, Malfoy," gasped Harry, sides still heaving with exertion. "Should have been fucking you like this for years."

"Had I known you were this good at it, I might have allowed it," Malfoy drawled as his usual cocky demeanor returned.

Harry shifted his hips in an effort to prevent his softening cock from slipping out of Malfoy's quivering hole. "I think I'm going to keep you for awhile," he warned.

"You may have some competition from the private collector," Malfoy smirked up at him.

Harry snorted. "There was no private collector, Malfoy," he said. "That painting was always meant for me."

Displayed Before Him

content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, content: sofa sex, gift: birthday, content: bondage, content: pwp, rating: nc17

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