Somewhere between our hearts and minds

Mar 07, 2010 12:05


The Core Planets

pompous-today [Simon Tam → Firefly / Serenity] The Moon ♩
Simon is the one constant and clear image from Qĭ's dream - struggling to keep up with her at the beginning, saving her from harm towards the middle, healing and continuing to protect her through the end.

She's very aware that she needs him around in order to create any semblance of control over the way her mind works. She can sense he feels he's let her down somehow, and that he's confused by the differences between herself and Serenity, but she can't actively address any of it at the moment.

Instead she just stays close, though she also realizes it is important for there to be other people in their lives than just one another. That doesn't mean anyone else will ever replace the level of attachment she has to her brother. She will do her best to protect him as he does his best to do the same for her.

After his death via giant preying mantis, Qĭ is even more protective of Simon than usual, to the point of assisting him with the moving of patients from Wellspring to the Wilderness during the warning of the Ant Invasion.

Note: Qĭ arrived after Simon regained his real name, and thus has not heard him address himself as Will.

floating-bamboo [Ukitake Jyuushirou → Bleach] Tea Fish ♩

Qĭ is aware that Koi is sick, and that said illness takes it's toll upon him. She's fascinated by his interest in tea. She's concerned about disrupting the relationship between Koi and Will, and thus has been very careful so far in her interactions with him. His fatherly affections confuser her slightly. It is a very different mannerism than what her interactions with her own father would have been, as canon dictates that her parents were by turns hesitant and disbelieving when it came to addressing her treatment at The Academy.

His very presence has the ability to calm and center her when Simon isn't available.

The Brightest Constellations

esoteric-rose [Grell Sutcliffe → Kuroshitsuji] no nickname yet ♩

Juliet responded to Qĭ's first entry with kindness and prose; a distinct difference from most confused replies. The next day he helped her obtain clothes from Bastet's stall and showed her how a physical monetary system works, though she's still a bit confused at the prospect of using pieces of wood to barter for other goods and services.

Though she is aware Juliet is male in the peripheral sense, she will always thinks of Juliet as female (though the mun will use the pronoun 'he' in the same fashion that the mun for Juliet chooses to) and Juliet's gender identity will never be a point of issue for Qĭ.

man-genius [Topher Brink → Dollhouse] Pénghoú - translates to Tree Spirit for those in ES who don't know Mandarin and cannot access the more complicated definition. A play on the Latin root for Genius: the guardian spirit of a person ♩

Genius is better able to understand Qĭ's points when she makes them, be it in writing or in person. She is peripherally aware that he is both smart and somewhat emotionally unstable in his own way. He reminds her of the possibility of other students at The Academy, other smart people who were broken into several pieces. Because explaining this would require explaining what happened to her - which she doesn't completely understand - she would rather avoid explaining it at all.

Since he can follow her tangents of thinking (when he pays enough attention) she likes talking to him. She finds the differences between her reaction to him and Serenity's reaction interesting; she's also somewhat aware of his change in character from that point to the present, but only because he has thought about it himself. During the March 2010 blizzard, she taught him how to manage on ice skates. She also tends to creeper on him and break into his room to bother him, read his notes, etcetera.

As of May 2010 she's painted a mural in his new room in Section 4 full of people and information that Genius doesn't want to forget should he die or lose his memories through some other means. At times she's frustrated with his inability to (a) pick up on the most obvious of cues and (b) his mental block against how relationships can work versus how they do but he's her friend and she deals with it. With a lot of eyerolling.

kochsnow-flake [Fred Burkle → Angel] no nickname yet ♩

If Genius is the window into Qĭ's impressions of what someone else from the place that broke her might be like beforehand, Fracta is the "after" of that two-sided equation. Fracta and Qĭ can follow one another in conversation without even having to think about it. On the one hand this means having another person automatically closer to her; on the other, even Genius pointed out that Fracta would need protecting (but from what? Neither of them seemed certain) and Qĭ took that upon her self.

If by took that upon herself we mean to say 'asked Simon if Fracta could live with them'. Simon asked Koi and Koi agreed, so now Fracta is a part of their odd little family. She knows that Fracta is familiar to Genius but that it doesn't go both ways; because of so many peculiarities in their personalities as a group, she still thinks it's likely that Fracta and Genius are from the same place but not the same point in time.

Outer Systems

spandexisyouth [Maito Gai → Naruto] no nickname yet

grab-my-bells [Hatake Kakashi → Naruto] no nickname yet

lotus-bloomed [Rock Lee → Naruto] no nickname yet ♩

She's talked with Lotus over the journals more than she's actually interacted with him, but the one time they did meet in person she was immediately struck by how much state he puts in to fighting and the process of training. He's a good person at heart, and while she thinks his dismay at Bell & Youth's relationship is both amusing and worrying, she likes his way of looking at the world.

ghost-of-00 [Rei Ayanami → Neon Genesis Evangelion] no nickname yet ♩

00 is another person where on-paper interaction has trumped in-person conversations. 00 has a very inward way of looking at the world, assuming that others will have the answers she does not; while that might be true in social situations, Qĭ thinks it's inaccurate to believe that someone else can answer the most important questions anyone can think of. She knows 00 is intelligent but somehow lacking more context - in the case of self and others - than most people in Edensphere. She likes the way most of her thinking is framed in questions.

ice-echani [Brianna → KOTOR II] no nickname yet ♩

Handmaiden is a friend of Simon's; someone her brother trusts and respects above quite a few so naturally Qĭ was curious about that. She hasn't actually spoken to Handmaiden, except once when she was re-introduced to the other woman, but she has gone into her living quarters and poked around out of interest.

Stars Gone Dark

falselogistics [River Tam → Firefly/Serenity] The other her

This is where things get complicated. Through interacting with Genius, Simon and Koi, she's very aware that there was another of her in Edensphere just a week before she arrived. One who was quieter, afraid of Genius, a bit more reactionary. It's easier at times for Qĭ to think of her as a separate person (Serenity as opposed to Qĭ) since the differences seem so wide. When she can think of it objectively, Qĭ has realized it's likely that Serenity's mind was from a point where it was more internally fractured than her's is at the moment.

♩ → Qĭ has met them in person
Last edited: 5.07.10

!ooc: relationships, !game: edensphere

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