Permissions & Reverse Permissions

Mar 07, 2010 20:32

Reverse Permission for Qǐ

Threadjacking in this character's journal: Feel free!

Backtagging with this character: Again, feel free!

Hugging this character?: Yep.

Giving this character a kiss?: Yep! Expect some bizarre reactions, however.

Punching this character: Sure! Some forewarning would be nice though XD. Also, fully expect to be attacked back.

Is there anything that would ping this character?: The name Serenity, The Academy (bad!ping), talk about space travel, talk about brain surgery (bad!ping), the names of any of the Serenity crew, people escaping from the government (mildly bad!ping)

(this will be edited/expanded upon as I run into things while playing her)

Permissions - This is the part I need you to fill out and comment with:

1. Can Qǐ break into your house and watch you do stuff?
1a. If yes, what's the limit to what she can watch you do?
1b. If yes, are there other people who live with your character that I need to contact first?
2. Can Qǐ psychic-babble about your character?
2a. If yes, can she psychic-babble about their past in the sphere?
2b. If yes, can she psychic-babble about their past before the sphere?
2c. If yes, can she pyschic-babble about/to them over the journals?
3. Would you rather envoke the NO META AT NO TIME CLAUSE?

What's with the breaking into houses thing?
From the point in canon I'm taking her, Qǐ kind of refuses to have any sort of filter when it comes to the privacy of others. She's curious, and sneaky, and likes watching people. No, she's not going to steal your character's stuff. Yes, she will watch your character get it on (if you give ooc permission, that is).

What's with the psychic-babble?
Qǐ is a psychic! And enjoys talking in riddles, though it may be less enjoys and more that it's the easiest way for her to think and communicate (too bad if you don't get it). However she's also a psychic with very little control; she can't so much read your character's mind as their current thoughts and emotions are broadcast at her at varying wavelengths and volumes. She isn't digging for anything (most of the time) but she might catch quite a bit anyway.

None of her psychic abilities work over the journals; this would only be triggered by in-person interactions. If your character never meets Qǐ in person, then this is a moot point! But if she interacts with them once, or even a lot, then I'd love to know what she can and can't learn from them.

BY THE RULES OF THE GAME she cannot learn a character's real name or anything about their past that isn't intrinsic to their personality or knowledge already. She can learn their in-game name (if you tell me she can) but anything the character themselves doesn't know, she also would be unable to pick up on. She also cannot predict the future.

CLARIFICATION: Meta, in the case of this permissions post, is ONLY in regards to Qǐ's abilities and penchant for being a ceiling-cat, not for 4th Walling. She cannot and will not 4th wall your character at any time; she's too far into the future to be aware of any current characters canon's anyway. Ergo question 3 is really asking if you'd rather not have Qǐ's abilities affect your characters in any possible way.

Also any and all psychic-babbling will only happen with player permission and ooc discussion (likely over AIM or LJ PMs) ♥

Comment! Ask questions! Email me at or IM me at (AIM): dis ams my flying v if you want to plot or have more to ask me.

!occ: permissions

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