May 26, 2010 14:13
Same old, same old, and I'm getting very frustrated with it.
Lately I've been trying to step back and take stock of the shitty situation I'm in, then find ways to improve it. I'm still trying to get off that #$%^@ Paxil... have been incrementally decreasing my dosage since Aug '09, experiencing moderate withdrawal symptoms each time. I still believe that SSRIs are useful in extreme situations, but prescription-without-therapy is dangerous (thanks, you cheap health insurance bastards). It's like being on emotional Welfare, dammmit.
Now entering Stage 2 of our relationship, I've resolved to be firmer and more forthcoming with the boyfriend when he does something that is wrong and/or upsets me, and have asked him to try and reciprocate. It just occurred to me that he might not be happy about me talking about our personal lives in a "public" forum... I suppose we'll have to set boundaries on that as well before I can elaborate here.
Haven't written anything in a while aside from quotes and notes for the DS9 story. "Outdoor Drama" hasn't been touched in at least 3 years.
The only customers that piqued my interest lately were the three girls who claimed to be going to "Barcelona... and maybe England or Scotland". If it hadn't been crazy busy in the store at that moment I would've replied with "the city or the planet?" or repeated the Funniest Joke in the World.
Speaking of which, I recently discovered the treasure trove of Doctor Who fanfic on the 'net and have been gorging myself since. ("Hungrrrrrryyyy!") Nate has encouraged me to try my hand at writing some, and although I'm not sure I have the courage to publish anything (at least right now), I do have a few ideas rolling around in my head.
I'd like to do an analysis on how Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" applies to DW and identify some of its Jungian archetypes. Translation: I want to write an essay/paper/whatever breaking down what makes the fandom tick. When I first started writing the DS9 story I did the same thing with the Star Trek mythos and really enjoyed the process.
Fanfic-wise, most of my ideas involve exploring introspective, relationship-driven issues that currently affect my life, to be studied through the eyes of The Doctor (#9 & 10) and Rose Tyler. Maybe toss in some smut/PWP if I get too distracted thinking about #10. ;)
In the meantime I'm off to go do something constructive... cleaned the glass cabinets yesterday. Maybe I'll file some invoices and catalogs today.