fryttu: Natalia, you're such a sweetheart and I adore you to bits and pieces. You are beautiful and gorgeous, fantastic and awesome, lovely and darlin', and filled with so much love, I adore it. You're brilliant, such an awesome fangirl, loving, and awesome ♥
gestaltrose: You are one of the sweetest and most loving people I know. You are filled with so much love and awesomeness and I adore you so much! You're talented and amazing honey. I love that we're friends because you're such a good part of fandom ♥
gigglingkat: Kat, your talent is lovely. You're such a sweetheart and such an amazing person. I really hope that we talk more this coming year because you're such an awesome and wonderful person ♥
girlmostlikely: Gin, you are a complete doll. You are one of the most amazing people I know in fandom and out. You are lovely, brilliant, a wonderful fangirl, a gorgeous person, an epic darlin', and someone I can't even imagine my fandom experiences without. ♥
gwentastic: I love your humor and love for Show. You always make me smile with your tweets and your posts and I really wish I could get to know you more ♥
hkath: You are such an awesome person. I really wish we talked more because you're so lovely and a sweetheart. You write some of the most wonderful fics and I love reading any and all J2 fics by you. You are so loving and awesome and I adore you ♥
hoveringon: Oh Tonya. You're going through SO much right now and have been for so long! I wish I could hide you away from everyone and everything because dammit you don't deserve this at all. You are gorgeous, brave, courageous, filled with love even at horrible times, and such an awesome person ♥
hyperactivegirl: Hey honey, you are loving and talented. You are filled with so much exuberance, squee, and excitement, I absolutely love it. You always make me grin and laugh with your tweets and posts ♥
ifyouweremine: Hon, I adore you so much and I totally wish we could talk more. You're so sweet, funny, awesome, charming, hilarious, and made of all kinds of epic win. ♥
ilovemybaby: CAMI! You're so sweet and I adore you so much. I'm so glad we're friends even though we aren't in the same fandom anymore. You're an awesome person, and I love knowing that you found someone that deserves you. You're brilliant, lovely, kind, beautiful, and an absolute sweetheart ♥