Love Meme Post 7

Jan 15, 2010 17:10

Love Meme Part the Seventh

enchanted_jae: Jae, I'm so glad we're still friends even though I'm barely in H/D fandom. I'm glad we can still co-mod together and I'm glad to see you still writing awesome fluff! Sweetie, I'm super lucky to have such an amazing person like you in my life and I hope you know how much I adore you! You are amazing, talented, nice, kind, hilarious, an awesome co-mod, and absolutely brilliant ♥

essene: Sweetie, I'm glad we've been talking more and more lately because it's been such a joy. We agree on a lot of things, your icons make me giggle, your posts make me smile, and you're such a wonderful person to have on my flist ♥

estei: We haven't talked much lately and I hope we talk more this coming year! I do know that your fics always make me swoon and I adore them :) ♥

estrella30: Nan, I'm not going to say much here either because I'm afraid I'm going to sound like a total creeper. I'm in absolutely love with your J2 fics and have re-read them a billion times over. They are sometimes the only things that can get me to smile, no joke. Seeing your name on my flist never fails to make me grin and when I got the alert you friended me, I might have danced a little in my chair. Like I said, I'm not a creeper, promise! lol. I adore your love for your family, your daughter, and fandom! Your love and squee is contagious and always makes me squee and love too ♥

evenstar_1203: Sweetie, you've been insanely busy lately and I understand that. I do miss you though <3 You're adorable, a sweetheart, fun to talk to, a perfect fangirl, lovely, and always leave me comments which I cherish ♥

fabilimah: Hon, I'm so thankful for you and your Jared love on my flist! It's so awesome to see a picture of Jared smiling everyday because that puts a smile on MY face. It's also awesome to stay in the loop ;) You're so adorable and such a sweetheart, I'm super lucky to have you on my flist ♥

fatedcinderella: I absolutely adore your vids and watch them on not so awesome days to make myself feel better. I love your enthusiasm and absolute love for the boys! Your talent is astounding and you seem like such a sweetheart. I can't wait to get to know you more this year ♥

finn21: Honey, you've seemed kind of down lately and I wish I could help in some way! I hope you know how much I admire you! You're honest and real, hella talented, adorable and sweet, and filled with love. You're brave and courageous and I can't wait to get to know you ♥

fleshflutter: Flesh, you are AMAZING and I adore you to bits and pieces darlin', I hope you know that! You're one of the kindest and most sweetest people I know. You're an absolute sweetheart. You're filled with so much love that it's like your user name glows with it. You make my flist a shinier place and I'm super lucky to have you on it. You are made of so much happy babe, and I'm so thankful for you ♥

flightsofangels: Laura! You're so awesome and your new name is awesome too ahaha. You write some of the best porn ever ;) You're an awesome and talented person. You're never willing to be anyone but yourself with I admire so damn much, it's not even funny. You are a complete darling, adorable, lovely, and made of all kinds of epic win ♥

frances_veritas: Moey, we've known each other so long and I'm so damn thankful to have you in my life. I know that even if we change fandoms (or are in a different fandom ;)) that we will still remain friends and I will still be able to count on you for anything! You are one of the people I trust most and know will be there so thank you. You make my life so much better just by being in it, and I hope you know that. I hope you also know how freakin' amazing you are and how much richer my life is and how much better I am for having you. You have a huge heart, a gorgeous smile, an awesome personality, and so much more. I love you ♥

meme: flist lovin'

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