
Jul 30, 2004 01:04

So I haven't updated in a while for multiple reasons, I a.)forget b.)like talking to people more and c.)just forget.
I had a agreat night last night, but tonight fucking sucked. So I'm at work, and we're closing, I swept, then mopped, then, because there was one of the girls sitting OUTSIDE the store I had to count, EVERY single one of the bathing suits in the store, usually the girls do it, but no I had to do it, then 20 minutes later, after I'm done doing that, she finally walks back in the store. then takes 30 minutes too long to count the money... All I can say is the owner will hear about that dumb broad.
but anyways, the night before, I had so much fun, I hung out with someone I haven't in over, oh lets say 2 years. and it was like we never stopped, it was alot of fun, laughing, and sharing stories. I think that finally turned me around, i was definitly ona a spiral downward, everything was getting worse and worse, then she called. :)
I'm happy, no offense to anyone reading this, when I chill with all you guys I have alot of fun, but it's different, it's usually that I get done haning out with you guys and I get sad again, but this time it was dfferent, I'm still happy now, even after all this bullshit that happened tonight. well talk to you guys later, I have to go move boxes at 10 in the morning till 5...
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