Sep 05, 2006 02:11
Random thoughts:
So I've had some very odd dreams in the past several days. Here's a quick rundown of some of the highlights:
1. Running from some men in black with some other person (I think it was a guy?), we're in possession of some mini-CDs or something. We start out with the CDs in a case, and he's holding them, but then we're about to be cornered so he gives the case to me and tells me he'll run distraction. So we split up, I think we're in the subway at this point, and apparently the men in black see through his ruse and all come after me. I get caught, and they confiscate the case, but oddly enough let me go. I meet up with a third person (a girl I believe), and it's all very Mission Impossible-ish. We're in the lobby of the subway station, and it dawns on me that the case was empty: the guy I was fleeing with left me with a decoy case while he himself made off with the real McCoy. It also occurs to me that the men in black will figure this out fast too, so I grab the girl I'm with and duck into a service elevator, just in time to hear the men in black storm into the lobby, guns blazing, telling everyone to get on the ground. We get out on the ground floor, run out and take off into the park across the street.
2. This one was a real odd one. I'm getting on a spaceship with five other crew members and one captain, but my perspective shifts really quickly from one crew member to the next, as if I'm each person at the same time. The only person who I don't seem to be is the captain, who's this short, slim, petite woman with a very Air Force haircut. All the crew people go to their requisite stations, and salute the captain as she comes in. She acknowledges us... except the pilot. Remember that I'm experiencing this from the perspective of all five people at once. From every other person, I see her acknowledge and salute the pilot, but from the pilot's perspective, she doesn't even look at the pilot and kind of ignores him. All settled in, we take off, and head into space.
3. I relive Saturday, except it passes by much quicker, and at random moments, time pauses and people step forward and start speaking monologues about what they're thinking or feeling at the time. Like, Jason steps forward and starts talking about Cheezits at Kroger, Courtney starts talking about being excited about North Carolina, and Katie's soulmate (!!!!!) stumbles forward at the mini-house and simply says "I AM SO DRUNK RIGHT NOW!".
4. This one I don't want to write about, because it's a little intense. But yeah, there was a fourth one.
Hmm... interesting, eh?