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oxfffffford June 4 2011, 22:23:11 UTC
[ Oxford is in a library. In fact, it is a very specific library - the Bodleian Library, most famously known, nowadays, for being a location in the Harry Potter films, much to Oxford's endless annoyance.

He's wandering idly amongst the shelves, admiring the books, but not looking for anything. He simply enjoys the atmosphere. ]


typeright June 4 2011, 23:03:03 UTC
( AHA.



Jules spots him, zips back around the row she just wandered out of, and lurks.

And now she is flicking some water at him, ho hum. )


oxfffffford June 4 2011, 23:13:50 UTC
[ At first, Oxford thinks he's just imagining the watery feeling.

Soon enough, though, he cottons on, turning around with a put-upon expression. He speaks quietly, softly and reproachfully all at once. ]

Come now, is this really suitable behaviour for one of the finest libraries in Europe?


typeright June 4 2011, 23:20:02 UTC
( Oh, sorry, but she's laughing a lot, leaning against one of the shelves and putting the cap back on the bottle. )

I think my hair still smells a bit like vodka, so yes. ( A little grin, though, and she puts the water away before bounding over. ) And how are you, today?


oxfffffford June 4 2011, 23:28:31 UTC
[ Though Oxford is terribly protective of his dear library, he smiles broadly upon seeing and hearing Jules. He casts a wary eye briefly on the bottle before he relaxes fully. ]

And that still has nothing to do with me, I was merely an innocent spectator. I shall maintain this position until the end of time, belive me. [ His voice stays low, in case any of the waspish librarians pop up. While there are lovely employees here too, it is the unpleasant ones that have a habit of appearing when they are least desired. ] I am quite well, thank you. Recovering from the worst hangover I have had since my teenage years. [ A WINK except his teenage years, technically, were like in the 16th century. ] And yourself?


typeright June 4 2011, 23:35:16 UTC
( Oh, right. Library voice. She drops hers accordingly, very gently nudging Oxford's shoulder with her own. ) I'd get the truth out of you eventually.

( Still, she makes a sympathetic sound. ) You can have this water, if you like? I might have some aspirin, too, I've found the combination works wonders to pep me up.


impressive )


oxfffffford June 4 2011, 23:40:33 UTC
[ GRIIIIIIN there's no point even denying any of this, he already texted her about he vodka deal anyway. WHO CARES. ]

Thank you for the offer, but I think I've taken enough tablets and water to last me for the rest of the week. You seem to be in good spirits, despite last night's impromptu soaking. And everything else that went on, of course.


typeright June 4 2011, 23:50:18 UTC
You have no idea. I fell in a beanbag pit, had to pretend to be asleep while Greg seduced a girl on the sofa, and then lost all my money for a taxi in the name of him being able to have more shots. Em was not anywhere near pleased, I can tell you that much.

( Which might be why she is currently at the library - escape, and finding a nice book (or... five) to entertain her ladyfriend. ) How about you? Any adventures?


oxfffffford June 5 2011, 00:08:39 UTC
... I'm sorry that I left so early, now. [ Oxford pulls a face. ] Sadly, my only adventure was dropping my keys about five times outside my front door, which ended with my sitting on the front steps for about twenty minutes until I sobered up enough to deal with the keyhole.

Ah, Em is... your friend? Girlfriend? Housemate? [ Apologetic smile. ] I'm still a little hazy on some of the finer details from last night.


typeright June 5 2011, 00:18:57 UTC
That sounds rather less like an adventure and more like a complex puzzle. Unlocking doors is hardly the simplest task when so very, very drunk.

Oh! ( Right, yes. Clarification. ) Girlfriend. Though, we do live together, so housemate also applies, I suppose.

( A little shy, on the topic. Just a bit tentative, just because of how private Em is, and how... well. Mixed reactions can be. )


oxfffffford June 5 2011, 00:27:05 UTC
You have no idea how proud of myself I was when I finally got inside.

[ Oxford's smile softens slightly. ] No need to look so timid, my dear. I won't be shouting the information from the rooftops, nor am I in any position to judge. [ He holds out a gentlemanly arm to Jules, because wandering arm in arm is definitely the Thing To Do in a huge library such as this. With a hint of amusement, he asks: ] Would you like to join me for a leisurely walk?


typeright June 5 2011, 00:41:45 UTC
I can imagine. ( She too has unlocked this achievement. Fond, fond memories.

She perks up a bit, smiling gratefully, and then taking his arm gladly. ) I would be happy to, kind sir. ( And then, in a less silly tone: ) Thank you.

( But, hmm. Intrigue, and with a bit of a smile: ) So you really are Oxford? That wasn't just a side effect from all that vodka?


oxfffffford June 5 2011, 00:52:39 UTC
[ Oh yes, that fabulous jem that Oxford absolutely forgot about. He pulls a slightly pained face, but nods. He has not found himself in a position where he has revealed himself to a regular human for a long, long time. Cambridge will kill him if he finds out, surely. ]

If you do not find it too outlandish a claim, I am - and I haven't told anyone outside of my sort, shall we say, about that for a good while. [ He smiles, vaguely. ] Out and about, most tend to refer to me as "John".


typeright June 5 2011, 10:55:45 UTC
All right, John. ( She taps the side of her nose, with a conspiratorial wink. ) Your secret is safe with me.

( And Jules is grinning a bit, squeezing his arm as they walk. ) It sounds rather exciting, actually.


oxfffffford June 5 2011, 11:08:20 UTC
Do you think so? [ Oxford laughs, quietly. ] There is nothing very particular about me, beyond the fact that I'm ridiculously old and the embodiment of the most beautiful city in England. [ Mhmm yes. No additional "in my opinion" remarks or anything :') ]


typeright June 5 2011, 11:18:33 UTC
I do! And, Oxford is without a doubt my favourite city, which means we are obviously meant to be friends. ( Oh, yes, this is very exciting. Very strange! Completely so, in fact, but so far as 'very strange' things go, this wasn't someone threatening to torture her and kill Em, and that made it extremely welcome. )

Extremely well-aged as your are, though, you're hardly old. I mean, I'm sure Rome is positively haggard compared to you. No, you are very dapper.


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