Jun 04, 2011 22:57
THINGS I'D N E V E R SAY▄ post with your character, choose a location.
▄ reply to other people's characters.
▄ mid-conversation, your character suddenly blurts out something completely random, something about them or the person they're talking to that they'd otherwise never say. it can go on for a couple of minutes, or even just a couple of seconds, but you can't stop it and you can't take it back.
▄ have fun :)
stillthegirl: teagan ( au. ),
reasonstowar: milo allberry,
smokingrockstar: maude dante,
wigglesalong: tristan knight,
fearsomefaith: gideon southey,
oxfffffford: john buchanan | oxford,
breathesdust: magalie st. james,
histomystery: callum rhys-bowen,
- members,
typeright: julia "jules" grumley,
boomfizzlepop: michiru amy carlisle,
wouldntthatbe: jerry redmond,
andhelived: jack gibson ( au. ),
preapocolyptic: ziltch,
bawroo: blue,
howaverage: emilia gorski