[Spoiler (click to open)]The monastery’s training hall was pleasantly cool this evening, shutters flung open to let in the evening air and the late spring light. A dozen or monks in loose clothing or light robes were scattered about the hall in small groups, practicing combat drills. As a monastery of Vigilance, Pickham placed great store in the notion of self-defence,
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[A Monk`s Possessions] “‘One who multiplies riches multiplies troubles’, the proverb says, and it speaks truly: therefore, the Vigiliant monk must not be burdened by fripperies. Each shall own no more than a soldier could carry. The Monastery shall hold all other goods and assets in common.”
-The Rule of Pickham Monastery
There is much to respect in the Rules of Pickham,
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I am back, with a new PC. Martin "I See Dead People" Orchard, Vigilance monk, Naga and necromancer. Prompts are as ever, good. [The reaper] I like Reaper a lot, he has potential. A politician’s mind and ambitions, but the practical and Loyal soul of a Marcher. I do not deal in the fine print and tedious numbers if I can avoid it, such riddles do not appeal. Give
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