Emma Rowden wrote in empirefiction Sep 28, 2015 16:48
reikos, redhound, loyalty, navarr, nighthaven, liathaven, sect of the loyal pilgrim, carr, wynn, connaught, dane, naeve, ambition, pridestalker, brennos, corey, merryn
Emma Rowden wrote in empirefiction Sep 16, 2015 14:55
reikos, navarr, druj, urizen, drefa, merryn, connaught, jericho
Emma Rowden wrote in empirefiction Jun 08, 2015 10:47
nihm, foxden, cormac, last light, sentinel gate, carr, willa, connaught, caerwyn, ruis farkas, draughir, etta, winter, oaths, kellag, merryn, regio