This is... I don't know what

Sep 23, 2007 23:43

Hey, it's Can(n)on!
By Tom Smith

You've read the Harry Potter books
You think you know 'em through
But there's something that you may not know
And here's a little clue:
The female of the trio
Has her birthday on
Talk Like a Pirate Day
So heads up Harry and Ron!

When she found out, her eyes she rolled
She went on knittin' socks
But Harry said, "I've got the gold
"Let's head down for the docks"
They traded lots of Galleons
For a lovely brigantine
And now they're her young stallions
And she's a pirate queen!

C'mere you lads and lasses
I tell you she's the one
Give a cheer and raise your glasses
But not 'till class is done
Though she's only seventeen
She's smarter than Dumbledore
Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor

Her white shirt and black leather
They compliment her eyes
A red sash brings it together
And those boots half up her thighs
Captain Hook's a fan and
Jack Sparrow thinks it's great
It's in the books, it's ca(n)non!
So let's all celebrate!

Hoist the mains'l, wind the capstan
Give it all ya got
The firewhiskey and the captain
Both are really hot
Here's a happy birthday
To the girl that we adore:
Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor

She taxidermy'd Pettigrew
And on the bridge she sat
'Cause after all, what pirate ship
Doesn't have a rat?
She Incarcerus'd young Malfoy
So he could not escape
And one Petrificus later
She made him walk the Snape!

Dolohov, she'll finish off
And Bellatrix she'll foil
Lucius'll land in Azkaban
And likewise Crabbe and Goyle
She laughs at danger, thinks it's keen
Bring on Voldemort!
Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor!

Now here's the part we talk about
With whom she's lockin' lips
'Cause after all a pirate queen
Has got to have her ships
Some say Harry's her true love
Or Ron she will betroth
She finally cried,
"I can't decide
"I'll have to have 'em both!"

Who's the sassy, bossy witch
that all the boys pursue?
Grander than the Golden Snitch
And more elusive, too
One may seek 'er
One may keep 'er
Both know how to score
With Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor

And so the seven seas she sails
In deadly hot pursuit
Of getting perfect O.W.Ls
And acing every NEWT
Some think she's just a bookworm
But I am here to say
She's got this pirate thing down cold
Every naval day

C'mere you lads and lasses
I tell you she's the one
Give a cheer and raise your glasses
But not 'till class is done
She'll go down in history
The one we're singin' for
Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor
Hermione Granger the Pirate Queen
The pride of Gryffindor
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