Just got through watching Dead Silence. YES,
billy_rose that's the PUPPET MOVIE. =P hehe. She hates puppets. Ok, so, I was impressed. The only reason I watched was because of Michael Fairman, who played Adelai Niska in Firefly. His performance was great!
Now, I can't seem to find horror movies that actually scare me, or even freak me out. BUT! One scene in this movie freaked me out. That was Michael Fairman's death scene. Well, really wasn't much of a "death" scene, nothing with alot of gore, just the killer woman being the "puppet master's" real body turned into the "ultimate" dummy. *shudders at thought of scene*
List of Movie's that have a scene that freaked me out:
1.) Darkness Falls
2.) Dead Silence
Is it weird both of those start with D's? o.O but with Darkness Falls, in the beginning when the main character is a kid, and in bed, I expected the tooth fairy to just jump out when he pulled the sheets off his head. It still freaked me out. *lightbulb moment* HEY! Both killers were supernatural-like and WOMEN! So, that's what's so scary. Crazy killer women.
I swear, I'd be scared of
billy_roseif she turns into a killer. *nods* She likes the miniature killer from CSI. Heh. I told her if she turned into a serial killer, then they would call her a miniature killer. *laughs* Oh, its an inside joke between she and I. You see, she thinks she short. *shakes head* I'm so bad making fun of her, but I have come to the realization that she is my best friend. Now, dont get me wrong, my girlfriend is indeed my greatest, bestest, and loveliest friend of all, but I can actually talk to Kendra/billy_rose about anything and everything (just as I can with my gf), but Kendra is the only person who knows about my girlfriend. Only one person? Am I ashamed of her? NO! I'm not sure how she feels about everyone knowing. Tis an online relationship after all, which has only been a little over a month, but I've known her for about a year. . .
OH! Which reminds me. I heard from my parent's friends. They will not be bringing those bratty little kids. Hmm. defense system. I like those kids, but they're not coming. I can relax and not worry about them messing up my online time. Yep yep.
Another update. We're waiting on the deal to close about our new house. I actually got to look at it about a week or two ago. It's nice. And my dad can have the big ass shop he wants for all out equipment. It has a 4 acre yard. 2,000-sq. ft. house, which our current one is 2,200-sq. ft. And the weird part is, someone wants to rent our current house once we move out, because they're building a house on a 5-acre lot (maybe?) I forget, but those people are building on the lot right next to our new house. O.O Freaky. . . but we're hoping to move next week or the week after. While working, too, hectic week that'll be.