They are. I should know by now that they don't come on instantly, yet it still gets me every time. If my reflexes were just a bit quicker, I'd be flipping the switch and cursing!
now when i think of it, i'm not sure it's the same type of light bulbs we are talking about :D the ones we use do come on instantly but always need some time to reach full brightness...
nah, i wasn't reading carefully. i'm sure we don't use fluorescent bulbs, just the energy saving ones, they are cooler :P they come on instantly, they give as much light as their equivalent but use up to 80% energy less then their equivalent hehehe neat ;) :P
hm, yup we are talking bout the same stuff... who said we are not talking bout the same stuff?!?! we are definitely talking about the same stuff :D (i didn't know they were fluorescent :/ ) and dunno why, but they have no delay over here, they come on instantly :) i think... i'm not even sure of that now :D lol WHATEVER! :D they're the same light bulbs.
the ones we use do come on instantly but always need some time to reach full brightness...
nah, i wasn't reading carefully. i'm sure we don't use fluorescent bulbs, just the energy saving ones, they are cooler :P they come on instantly, they give as much light as their equivalent but use up to 80% energy less then their equivalent hehehe
neat ;) :P
and dunno why, but they have no delay over here, they come on instantly :) i think... i'm not even sure of that now :D
WHATEVER! :D they're the same light bulbs.
(i'm getting exhausted over the subject :P )
(Sorry, didn't mean to wear you out with light bulb conversation. :-p )
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