
Jun 25, 2008 19:04

My new media player finally arrived (I ordered it a month ago, but they ran out of stock).

It's quite possibly the sexiest thing I own (excepting Jade, my laptop, maybe).

I'm naming it Kyouya, because I can and because he's sexy. ♥

Picture doesn't do him justice. You can't see his backside, which is matte black and has a sort of sand-ripple in the middle (like you see in Japanese gardens, aptly enough) with 'ZEN' written in the middle in dark gold. His screens are dark red with white font (aka what I would have done if I'd designed him myself). *________________*

Now I can finally lay my poor old Sony minidisc to rest. It lasted me five years, but it was finally giving out. No more audio gaps, no more .oma file conversions, no more scrolling song titles. It's the end of an era. XD

Now I'm going to go transfer me some music. *glee*

gadgets, kyouya

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