
Apr 24, 2008 23:58

Short-form update (edit: or not) on various fandoms.

1.) Finished watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, finally. It was brilliant. I cried at least a dozen times from the sheer blazing, unapologetic, utterly unsubtle and utterly fabulous glory of it all. It will get its own entry as soon as I can put my thoughts in order.

2.) Am rereading Angel Sanctuary. I still love it just as on third reread as I did the first two times, and Kira is still my first and always manga love. ♥

3.) Went shopping at Chapters with traumerei--x today, and bought some things I shouldn't have. Namely:

-Once OST (Mom, if you haven't bought this already I'll upload it for you.)
-the new Sarah Brightman album
-Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (because I lost my old copy and can't go without having it in my library)
-the newer anthology of Orson Scott Card's short fiction (because I love him.)

4.) Reread Ender's Game, because it's one of my favourite books ever, and it loses nothing on reread. I think this was the fourth of fifth time at least. The ending has never failed to make me weep, because honestly, I've never read any other story where the protagonist wins the war, kills off all the baddies, and then discovers that they weren't actually baddies after all. Usually the hero discovers this at some point late in the war, but not too late to make a decision between peace/redemption and continuing to fight. Ender never had that choice. By the time he discovered the truth about his enemies, it was far too late. (Of course there was the egg, but that hardly brings back all the lives he took when he destroyed the home planet.) I cry so hard. Every single time.

On another note: now, after watching Code Geass, I am overcome by the desire for Ender vs. Lelouch fic. I'm not smart enough when it comes to battle tactics to write it myself, but Ender would slaughter him and do with it without losing one ounce of his extraordinary compassion, and Lelouch would face some interesting moral questions. It would be incredible and I want it so hard. Maybe I should just suck it up and slave away at researching until I am good enough at battle tactics to write it (and that Light vs. Lelouch fic I promised to help you write, Paladin).

I also want Ender/Alai and Ender/Bean all grown up because fandom has corrupted me horribly.

I need the rest of the series, especially Ender's Shadow because I ♥ Bean so so much.

5.) The recent Naruto manga is screwing with my head, and I'm loving every second of it. Giant plot twists are my absolute favourite thing in the world when it comes to fandom. The recent chapter was obviously full of stall tactics, which would have annoyed me if I didn't realize that if Kishi gave it to us all at once, our heads would probably explode. He's pacing it out to give us time to assimilate.

6.) I suddenly really want to replay FFVIII. I know it's not the best-liked of the Final Fantasy series by far, but I've always loved it. The world that series creates is so much more interesting than anyone seems to give it credit for, and same goes for the characters (and I swear, if I hear one more person call Squall an emo pussy I will verbally assault them). Also the card game is my favourite sidequest in any game ever.

6.) Wow. I really feel fandom-rambly lately. I should probably stick to one topic at a time and say everything I want to instead of skipping around like an insane grasshopper.

7.) Sleep is good.

fandom: sleep, fandom: tengen toppa, fandom: orson scott card, fandom: naruto, fandom: angel sanctuary, fandom: ffviii

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