Yesterday afternoon: met up with
chocorua and took the train out to the farm, where I was fed tasty food by
goddessfarmer. In the evening, I found a nest to videotape.
This morning:
5:15am - Woke up to gather nests.
6am - Went back to sleep
8am - Went out to set up videotape on the selected nest
8:30am - Had an egg sandwich of eggs from my hosts' chickens on homemade bread.
9:30am - Went back out to take pictures and thermal pictures of wasp nests (and bumblebees. and chickens. and horses. It is a known fact that if you are a naturalist with a thermal camera, everything needs to be photographed in IR).
11am - Returned inside to do some computer based work for a while, before heading out to check on my videotape process, and then bike around to look for more collection and video-taping locations.
In other words, my day consists of taking cool pictures, biking and eating tasty food.