Oct 04, 2006 13:01
A recent LJ meme has inspired a variant in my brain. Many of my tunes are given to someone. I haven't been writing much lately what with school insanity, social insanity and LARP writing.
So, I saw this LJ meme and thought: I could hijack that. If you would like me to write you a tune, I will do so.
I will talk with you about styles, and attempt to write it in a style you like. You will have first rights on naming the tune, although you can turn them down if you don't have a name for it. If you want, you are welcome to be in the room and hear
me write it, although this is certainly not required.
If I get a higher response than I expect, it might take me a while to work through, but anyone who requests a tune and makes time to talk to me about it and hear it will get one.