woohoo i have to do SO MUCH SHIT for consumer tonight, i had to take a brief break to get my mind taken off it for a few mins...now read the wonderful outcome of my time wasted on surveying!:
Name- Mia Jensen
Age- 16 (almost 17) goddamnit, i wish i was 18
Location- Wilmette, IL
Sexuality- bisexual
Status- single and ready to mingle
What are your thoughts on…
Gay marriage? : i support it
Abortions? : if the person who's pregnant isn't ready to have a baby or isnt able to support it or something to that effect, the person should be able to chose
Gays in the military? : i didnt even realize this was an issue. gay ppl are just as capable as straight ppl
Human labels? : impossible to stop, but i wish they could
Clothing labels? : stupid, but i must admit sometimes i do buy "popular" labels because most of the time it tends to be good quality
Bush? : i dont agree w/ a lot of the stuff he says but i respect him for getting as far as he's gotten. god knows i wont ever do that much with my life
Racism? stupid. ps, off a tangent of this, stop calling me DUTCH ppl, im not from friggin HOLLAND...im danish. thank u. and that's NOT the pastry
Capital Punishment (putting criminals to death) ? if what they've done is bad enough they should pay for it
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes...just hasnt happened to me
Have you ever experienced it? like i said ^^
Do you believe in love AT ALL? yes. life would be pointless without it
Are you happy with who you are? not really
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? my lack of motivation in everything i do
Do you think that today’s society is pressured by the media (TV, magazines, etc) ? yes
Did Michael Jackson molest those kids? wouldnt be suprised. ps, he looks like a really ugly fish
Was OJ guilty? i dont effin know...
Speaking of Michael, have you ever been attracted to a little kid? not a little kid, no but i have thought to myself, wow that person is gonna be a gorgeous adult
Are you telling the truth? yes
Daredevil or Safety-dweller? daredevil
Bitch or Pushover? pushover, but if anyone intentionally tries to take advantage of that ill definately go bitch on them
Closed minded or Open minded? id say openminded
Introvert or Extrovert? extrovert
Comedian or Serious? well, id say comedian, but im not funny, but im definately not serious either, so....both?
Traveler or Stay-at-home? traveler
Nature-lover or animal-lover? both. flowers are pretty, but doggies are fun to play with
Clothing-designer-fanatic or prefer good old Walmart? never been to walmart, but i do enjoy cheaper places like it, such as nordstrom rack etc.
Artist or Criminal? im NOT artistic. so i guess that makes me a criminal. how does that work?
Hugger or a kisser? hugger, but sometimes my hugs come along w/ kisses
Lover or a hater? except for a few ppl, im definately a lover <3
Jock or goth? uh....idk. there arent really typical jock's at our school (just pointing that out) but i guess im just the inbetween
Emo or preppy? a mixture, but definately more emo than prep.
People who refuse to call themselves Americans? i am one.
People who cut themselves? i hope they'll get help so they dont end up doing more than that...or cutting too deep. and ppl who "cut for attention" are pathetic
People who PRETEND to cut themselves? like i said, pathetic.
People who cut themselves just to be cool? oh, i assumed this and the last one were in the same category
Black nailpolish? ugly
Child Molestation? HORRIBLE...leave the kiddies alone!
Under-rated child molestation (like an 18 year old dating a 14 year old)? haha im not the person to ask about that...im crushing on a 22 yr old...
Brand name clothing? it really annoys me that they spike up the price just b/c they know ppl will buy it anyway. cough cough ABERCROMBIE cough
Sidebangs? perty (i have them)
Marilyn Manson? heh heh heh...scary but amazing
Britney Spears? hit me baby one more time ;)
Braces? ugly, and painful.
Sung in the rain? YES.
Ran naked through the rain? i hope so. lol sounds fun, i bet i did it once as a kid
Kissed someone of the opposite sex? many a time :)
Smoked until you passed out? well i passed out after smoking...does that count?
Overdosed on anything? no
Been molested? not technically, but i have felt used/violated
Puked on a friends clothing? lol no
Used hygiene products of the opposite sex (your brothers deodorant, your sisters zit cream, etc) ? yeah, i use my sister's stuff all the time, granted its not male products im assuming thats ok
Been arrested? no
Been in the back of a cop car? yeah, one time at northwestern U for take ur daughter to work day...we went to "the 411 of the 911" i also got to wear a bullet proof vest and take pictures with helen!
Gotten your head stuck in a fishbowl? HAHAHAHA no, again, sounds kinda funny (but scary)
Flashed anyone? yeah, i was little though, oh wait. i flashed jamie once i think, as a joke, and yes i was wearing a bra...
Shot a gun? only a watergun
Been suspended/expelled from school? no
Tortured an animal? NOOOO
Pooped on someones lawn? lol, who do u think i am? a dog?
Pooped somewhere other than a toilet? a bush...camping, HELLOO!
Wasted an entire Saturday night doing a survey? lol if 20 minutes is an entire night then yes.
The ABC's
[A]ge?; 16
[B]est friends?; A->Z - Helen, Jamie, Katie, Sara, Danny
[C]hoice of meat?; beef
[D]ream date?; dinner and a walk on the beach
[E]xciting adventure?; haha...read my last update.
[F]avourite food?; pizza right out of the box...or anything made by my mom
[G]reatest accomplishment?; making varsity fencing
[H]appiest day of your life?; if id had one im sure id remember it...and nothins comin to mind
[I]nterests?; music, boys, partying, denmark, movies, my dog
[J]ell-O?; fun to jiggle
[K]ool aid?; colors my teeth.
[L]ove?; it'd be amazing if i had it..
[M]ost valued trinket?; my baby blanket that my grandpa bought me when i was a baby
[N]ame?; Mia
[O]utfit you wore today?; red and black skirt, white tanktop, white zip up thingy and black reef flip flops...and cool necklace from mygrandma
[P]iercings?; 2 on each ear
[Q]uestion most asked?; what?
[R]adio station?; oldies or the mix
[S]port?; badminton, fencing
[T]elevision show?; the oc, csi, and gilmore girls are the highest on my list right now, oh and FAMILY GUY
[U]r favourite song?; currently, "here comes the sun" by the beatles
[W]here do you live?; wilmettizle
[X]ebra or leoperd print?; zebra. black and white matches everything
[Y]ear born?; 1988
[Z]odiac sign?; leo
GODDAMNIT ITS OVER : ( that was so much fun.