Jul 10, 2008 08:11
I read something that I knew but until I saw it in writting didn't appreciate. I now realize why I love CD's. You make a mix, play it until you get sick of it, find it a year later and its amazing how it brings you back to that time. If I where to make a CD for now I'd throw some Coldplay viva something on there, some song about kissing a girl, some radiohead, 'what are we supposed to do after all we've been through', touch me and then just something, lollipop...I dont know. Theres alot.
Im at a summer camp with a bunch of little Jewish boys and girls. Its fun but at the same time I know I will eventually have to go back. I almost want to go back now..kind of like ripping off a bandaid fast. I don't like time and deadlines. I don't like decision making. I don't like money.