Thai Food, Pirates, & Tom's Social Life

Dec 06, 2003 14:12

   So Friday morning I had my last class of the year (the calender year anyway), an hour of Russian 4. I then rendezvoused with Miss Garian Cika, whom I dated for three months or so freshman year, and currently lives in Eugene Oregon. She is in town till Sunday.
   Then Cika and I are back at my place and I happen to need to call her ex Tom ("Sex-in-the-Eyes," S.I.T.E.) to arrange for the double-date he is supposed to go on with Courtney and Kristy and I this evening. Then I put him on the phone with Garian without warning him and he later expressed great loathing of me for that action.

We went to Thai2k for dinner, SITE, Courtbutt, Kristy and I. I'm on this mission to try all the Thai food in town, and so far I've eaten at three of the four restaurants I know of (Thai Nakorn is the unvisited one). Of the other two, Sophia's earned mad points for their free refills on Thai Iced Tea, but had the least tasty thai food I've ever eaten. Thai Recipes was better, but the portions were extremely small. Now our most recent destination, Thai2k, I must say was without a doubt the BEST Thai food I've had in town. mmmmmmmm. I had some bamboo & basil thing (uh, #33 on the menu), soooo good mmmmm.

Tom nearly went insane on account of the constant saying of "such sauce," "weak sauce," "strong sauce" and other saucy variations that the other three of us constantly employ. Such sauce.

Next destination was the "James Bond" themed party that the "Pirates of the Pentagram" were hosting at their pirate stronghold in suburban central Davis. Kristy and Courtbutt both went as bond girls, Tom borrowed one of my dress shirts (which I BETTER get back!) and made a nametage that said "henchman # 4," which was later missplaced. I wore my soviet ushanka, the usual pea-coat and black dickies, and my spiked collar. I therefore was an ambiguous crazy soviet villian, or something. There were people at the party actually wearing tuxedos and things. Kristy loathes my beautiful Soviet ushanka. )=

In addition to ourselves (basicallyasap, lilmisscourty, and emosnail), we saw our friends pavelthegeek, daisycat99 & saprophyte, I met stillsheryl, and no doubt a great many other ljers that I don't know, but I could sense their unholy presence. (=

At one point I saw a can of steel reserve sitting on a table. It made me happy. I don't think I've ever seen 211 in a regular 16oz can, but there it was. I have no idea who was responsible for bringing this sacred object to the party.

Courtbutt and Tom, not so much hitting it off.

parties, courtbutt gertler, thai food, thomas grossman, garian cika, the pirate house, kristy heidenberger

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