On Friday at work boss had me doing more ebay stuff, and half joked that I'd be doing that full time now. So of course, I half-joked that I should get a raise. Crazyguy then offered me a $2,000/mo salary if I pass the applicators exam ... which is less than I'm making now seeing as for this latest pay period (half-month) I earned $1,300!!
Somehow it seems I worked 130 hours in this period. I'm currently being paid $10, which is a lot less then I'd settle anwhere else, but I like it here, and AM looking for a real job, and when we work really long hours (our workday is a minimum of 10 hours a day) it does result in me getting paid more than my $14/hr law firm job paid me. I figure if you're at work for 8 hours, you might as well be there for a few more.
Anyway, later boss realized he had been trippin and offered me a $2,500 salary after the applicators application goes through. As that is STILL less than I can make on hourly at the current rate, I'm gonna see if I can finagle an increased hourly rate instead.
And in related news, I am aware there is a bit of a taboo in American culture regarding talking about how much you get paid. I don't really see what the beef is.
But yeah so, after he had me take pictures of some things in the garage, like the
1970 Datsun Roadster,
go cart and
16' boat (currently listed for $4,000, $500, & $18,000, respectively) and post them on ebay, craigslist, & other relevant sites, had had me meet him at his place and take pictures of his suprising collection of art, which I will presumably be posting on Monday.
Incidentally, once before I was employed full time putting things on ebay -- for a summer I was the ebay department for a
yarn store.
On Saturday evening I went to the OC Fair with my friend Jamie and some friends of hers.
Picture of the day
Jamie & I, OC Fair, July 28th, 2007
compare to
Jamie & I, OC Fair, July 28th, 2005 Previously on Emosnail
Four Years Ago Today:
Vegas Invasion - Some rather interesting characters from Vegas show up at Diedrichs
Three Years Ago Yesterday:
"...thats why we're all blacklisted from Diedrichs now, but thats not why we don't hang out there anymore, we don't hang out there anymore because we all hate eachother now" - Cool Kyle, on Diedrichs, and how it changed since the year before. Now no one hangs out at Diedrichs because its been bought out by Starbucks.
Three Years Ago Today:
Livejournal Madlibs Two Years Ago Today:
OC Fair 2005 - Flogging Molly plays at the Fair, and I consequently run into everyone from Alex Hughes to Jamie there.