This morning I spent some time taking pictures of the boss's boat, the go-cart, and
other such things we have in the garage, and posting them on ebay. I think we already have a potential buyer for the boat for $22,000. I think the boss has discovered that I'm good at more varied activities than just killing things.
While several of us (including the boss) were loafing about in the office for awhile surfing the internet and catching up on gossip, I found this article:
Research Finds: US Workers Waste About 20 Percent of Their Workday. I read it to the lads. Only
Jeremy picked up on the irony.
Bob and I escaped to do some jobs.
We ended up in Newport Beach again. When we got some time between calls we decided to go down to the beach ... and set up the umbrella we had confiscated
yesterday! Too bad I'd left the hat I received yesterday at home.
After spending maybe an hour lounging on the beach we got a call, which turned out to be no less than three hives on the roof of a commercial building. We pulled about 500 pounds of honey out of there (literally).
Picture of the Day
In other news, I reposted that popular entry I wrote
all about bees / wasps / hornets / bumblebees. Several relatives, particularly my dear late grandmother, had asked me if I could remove the profanities I had
flavoured it with so they could share it with others -- so I've done that for this version (though now the bumblebee section feels lacking).