And for your reading pleasure, I bring from the archives a historic piece, which some of you may recognize. It remains in its original form as first written on approximately March 13th, 2002, and the events portrayed take place I believe on December 29th, 2001.
The Spectrum Diedrichs - Episode I: Night of the Fountain: How Krisis met Fishis Lets see.. all I otherwise need explain about it is that Diedrichs is a coffee shop ubiquitous in Orange County, that is not unlike Starbucks; and the the (Irvine) Spectrum is a colony of small impulse item shops built around a 21 screen theatre, that is like the ONLY local place to go and mingle on Friday and Saturday nights in the area.
I recently consulted the story for inspiration on writing my current ENL5F story, which endeavors to use a similar antiquated style; and was thus inspired to post it here. The names have all been changed (very very very slightly) to protect the guilty.. except Jordan, but thats because he wasn't actually in the story at all.
Basically events of a few days were compressed into one, and random exagerrations and complete randomness (things suddenly bursting into flame perhaps?) were completely added.
It was written over AOL IM by Fish and I, every other line, and then edited into a (somewhat) coherent narrative by myself. Anyway.. read it. And give me feedback. I love feedback. Yes.