Mohawk Zero Hour

Dec 13, 2005 17:21

   So today I had a CMN142 final at 1:30. Unfortunately, after fifteen minutes of trying I had to conclude that my car was not going to start. Then I called Kristy (basicallyasap).
   Kristy was at the time on the freeway behind a large cylindrical oversized load on a flatbed truck. She described it as "the biggest thing I've ever seen on a freeway." In addition to several "oversized load" warning vehicles, it was also accompanied by four or five highway patrol cars and several police trucks.
   So yeah, they were transporting an ICBM down the 113 or something. Someone better tell them Davis is a nuclear free zone.
   Anyway Kritsy came a rescued me like the superhero she is. Then I took my final. Then I went to the campus box office and bought tickets for the intercampus shuttle from box office employee Genevieve Carnes (gennadotorg.
   Shortly after this I ran into the Aggie reporter who had interviewed me the other day, Brian Chen (jacketseason). I told him I had a better quote on this livejournal that he could use.
   Thereafter I was just beginning to wonder how I was going to get home since it was half an hour till the next bus came, when my grandparents (hanksmr & jqmold) called to say they were in town, visiting my aunt and uncle (lassen_hiker & bensdiorama). So I went out to lunch with them, getting a sumptuous burger from Ali Babas, and then they took me home. First, however, we stopped by my other aunt and uncle (likeabikemike)'s place, which is less than a furlong from my apartment.

Tomorrow I'm going to need to catch the 7:30am intercampus shuttle to Berkeley, and then bart it into San Fransisco, for a 1pm interview with the State Department. Following this two-hour interrogation assessment process, I will need to bart my rump back to Berkeley and catch the 6:30pm intercampus shuttle, returning to Davis at 8pm.

In light of this, (1) if anyone is going to be in SF tomorrow and can entertain me during the numberous hours I'm stuck there between busses and interviews, please contact me asap, & (2) I hella need to lose this pink mohawk asap. Kristy has a final tomorrow is it'd be better if someone else could help me shave it off and dye the pink stripe on my head to a natural colour. If someone would be willing to do this I would be extremely appreciative and will like, dedicate a livejournal entry to your numerous virtues.

Picture of the Day

I reorganize my huge tea trove
   If there's one thing you should know about good tea, is that with tea, brand names are important. Established brands like twinings (est. 1706) have over literally centuries refined their blends. Random upstart brands make tea that is more likely to make you jittery or just suck in other ways because its hard to perfect the blend.
   For Christmas if someone could find me some Twinings Blackcurrant or Russian Caravan Tea I would be extremely appreciative and will like, dedicate a livejournal entry to your numerous virtues. I haven't been able to find those two anywhere and they are my favourite.

But Seriously: Can someone help me shave off the mohawk & redye tonight?

Previously on Emosnail
   03-12-03: Correspondance and Disconcordence With Vicki Swett - DECLASSIFIED: transcripts of a saucy email interchange between myself and Vicki Swett. Seriously, read that and tell me she's not an ogre.
   03-12-04: Court Finds Plaintiff Has Peirced Nipples - and counsel for defence motions to submit a playboy as evidence. Fun times in ASUCD Court.
   03-12-05: Chancellor Vanderhoef READS THIS LIVEJOURNAL - Ah I'd forgotten about this one. I think its one of my favourite entries I've ever written. I think this was about a year before Vanderhoef actually did respond to me about cow tipping. Incidently, in the other news headlines section, the John Green story is more or less true I think.
   03-12-06: Thai Food, Pirates, & Tom's Social Life - Garian Cika comes to town again, and we set Thomas "Sex in the Eyes" Grossman up on a date with Courtbutt Gertler, which goes worse than any date I've ever heard of going.
   Two Years Ago Last Wednesday: Diane Illustrates a Classic Retarded Argument - My older borther Tobin (nibot)'s girlfriend illustrates why you should not argue just for hte sake of arguing. Ancient Chinese strategist Sun Tzu also gives her and her friend a good kick. According to legend, he later broke up with her via the Facebook "terminate relationship" button.
   Two Years Ago Last Thursday: IHOP Revisited - Kristy and I go to IHOP. The occasion causes me to concisely rechronocle my adventures as an IHOP cook.
   Two Years Ago Last Saturday: More Correspondence With Vicki Swett - My response here was reproduced a year later so you might have seen it if you followed thte year agos from last entry. Anyway, Swett sends me an unusually civil email albeit with saucy implications, so I respond with a ridiculously friendly email... and ask where I can find her official job description. Turns out there is no admin plan or job description for the ASUCD Advisor.
   Two Years Ago Last Sunday: One Month Anniversary - Kristy & I go for Thai food. Also, some students discuss "floppiness theory," & Professor Becker discusses the lucrative crack-whore industry.
      ASUCD SC Case # 22 Verdict - and I realize that this livejournal received 192 hits on a random day in early September (measured via hits on a picture only posted here). I ought to measure the hits / day of this livejournal again. I bet its gone way down.
   Two Years Ago Yesterday: 513 Hits in 24 Hours - The day before I had posted another picture to see how many hits it would receive. I was shocked to discover my livejournal was viewed 513 times in the ensuing 24 hours. This notoriety is no doubt due to the use of this livejournal in ASUCD Senate proceedings.

UPDATE: Gabi is going to help me dehawk. Anyone is welcome to come observe, give me a call asap. -7:00pm.

mohawk, san francisco, tea, car trouble, genevieve carnes, kristy heidenberger

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