Rock the Casbah

Dec 11, 2005 22:02

   Last weekend we actually cleaned our apartment, since someone was coming to look at the apartment the next day to consider replacing Ben (who is graduating in a few days). The apartment then being unnaturally clean, we vowed to have a party the following weekend (to rectify the cleanliness of course). On Friday evening we had this shindig here at my place (which my former flatmate Adrian and I dubbed The Casbah). This was the first party we've ever had here.
   We aimed to keep it kind of small since this apartment isn't very big. I think we hit our target number of attendees pretty precisely, but I think the apartment can hold more -- so hopefully we'll be throwing a bigger shindig at the beginning of winter quarter.
   Ben and Jason both want it to be a theme party. Jason is pushing for "athletics," and Ben is pushing for "almost naked."

Also, our friend Garian made one of her semiannual visits and attended our shindig, which was awesome. Ben, Garian, and I were basically best friends freshman year.

Saturday evening was the Phi Alpha Delta winter cocktail, and this morning I got a new cell phone since my old one's battery life had dwindled down to about three hours.

Picture of the Day

Kristy and I dressed for the PAD cocktail.
TWO days until I have to shave off the mohawk, likely forever.

Previously on Emosnail
   05-12-01: Blizzards & Floods - Life in The Trees. Heater is out and the pipes are leaking.
   Year Ago Last Monday: Trip to UCLA - UCLA scandinavian department flies me down there.
   Year Ago Last Wednesday: Living With Toxic Mold - In addition to the other problems, toxic mold is discovered in our apartment. Chen continues to try to get someone to take over his part of hte lease.
   Year Ago Last Friday: Judicial Review - ASUCD Senate acts dumb about judicial legislation, and the Ecuadorian president fires all 31 members of his supreme court.
   Year Ago Yesterday: Last Day of the Quarter - and more correspondance with Vicki Swett from the year previous.

benjamin stevenson, jason antognini, the casbah, garian cika

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