Jan 31, 2007 17:39
1. Could you guys please rec me some decent SPN fic? I'd take pure and crossovers. I can be incredibly picky about what I read... it has to be good... and well written. But then I have this odd tendency to forgive some fics for their bad writing if they've got a good story. *shrugs* I'm odd.
2. This'd be the really cheeky bit. There's a plot bunny. In my head. Slight problem - my fic muse, no matter how much I complain seems to have buggered off, obviously having decided that it's not good for the MA. grrr. *shakes fist at muse* Will attempt a drabble this week, really. Anyway - the bunny. I guess I could say it's a challenge, right? Ok. Pre-season 3 BtVS, pre-Stanford SPN. Boston. Bar. Faith. Dean. (Could have some Sam and John too). I wanna know what happens. I don't mind a rating. I don't mind if it's not even a pairing... it could just be Faith and Dean attempting to out-hustle each other at pool. And hey, some of Faith's wacky stories have to come from somewhere, right?
So, I'd be really grateful if you guys could help a poor museless girl out... I'd even mess around in PSP for anyone who does ;) 'Cause that's not a bribe or anything, really... it's not.