Aug 11, 2011 09:28
...I'm getting a little bit tiered of reading about how understandable it is that the poor kids from underprivileged families enjoy a little late night, aggressive shopping at 100% discount.
In my mind there can be no excuse for what has happened over the last few nights in London and other cities around Britain.
All these people have done is show once again how stupid they are. Most news seems to blame the riots on things like these youngsters have no jobs. Well, most of the ones I've seen on telly are only kids, they aren't old enough to have jobs. They should be in school! And to every British person who says they can't get a job I say; have you tried hard enough? I came to this country two and a half years ago, no family or contacts to help me, with an English inferior to anyone who's been brought up here and with the disadvantage of not being English ( a lot of people prefer to hire staff from this country, who they think should have first dibs at jobs and who they know won't go back to their own country after six moths) and still I managed to get a job within a week and so far have not been out of work. Really, doesn't that show that it's not all that hard?
Even if we should pity these people for being underprivileged, how will smashing up your own neighborhood ever be the solution? I can see being angry at the system and smashing up shops that represents this, but from what I've seen on the news anything has been looted from JD Sports to the local off license, probably run by one of the looter's friend's uncle... Where's the sense in that?
If you do think there's something wrong with the government or the system we live in. Come to where they are and show your anger. But, no! Whitehall has probably been the quietest of all streets in London. And when you get asked by The Guy from BBC News why you've come out this night don't tell him "it's for the money and to get what I can". That won't get you any sympathy votes!
I do get people being angry with a system they feel doesn't work for them, but has torching your neighbors house ever helped solve any problems. The only thing I can see that create is even more people in poverty and despair, and this time around it wasn't because of the the government, it was because of you!
Stop feeling sorry for kids who think it's cool to not listen in school and then blame the government for not having gotten a proper education or start in life and start expecting people to take the chances they are given and make the most of them or suffer the consequences!