the following two paragraphs are from an old post that i was just reading through, it's amazing how cyclical emotions and situations are. this is still so true and totally how i feel. take it or leave it i really don't care
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"Who the shit are you to tell me anything to change who I am. I love Jesus, I have comassion for sinners, and contempt for my own sin, so how does that make you any fucking better than me."
How does I love Jesus and the "F" word fit in the same sentance....and you little explaination for your cussing being not a big deal as a christian...doesnt really make sense, they dont relate. Sorry, but this post really bothered me
thats just the thing, you didnt explain it. Just because people are dying of starvation and dont know the love of Jesus across seas, doesnt give you the right to swear, a very vulger swear word at that, and say that it doesnt matter. God does NOT call us to swear, not matter what the circumstance and how much or a witness are we to the people over seas if we are living so worldly. Now I know that it is impossible to be perfect, but I do know that swearing is not of God and can totally be stopped. God does not put that hatred and vulgar language in His children, that is something we choose to take on from satan. I am not saying you are living under satan, but It hurts me to see you justifing swearing at the same time you are saying you love Him (swearing is a slap in his face, a rebellion from His love).
ok the bible never says, "don't say the word fuck or shit" the bible does say not to profane the name of the lord, which i'm not. cuss words are just words, they don't have any intrinsic meaning in them, they are just a convention that people use. 10 years ago crap was a 'swear' word, but it's conventionaly used and therefore has no true value. i'm sorry that you are soo concrete that you can't see that.
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i miss it so much.
i want to talk about europe with you.... kelseyjayne14 IM me
i miss our talks.
<3 Ashlee
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