(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 06:06

livejournal is a very odd environment from my experience when put in the norm perspective
some of my great friends, people that know me more than practically anyone are people I met from livejournal and people I've only met a handful of times in my life
currently I'm roommates with someone I met through livejournal and before moving out here had actually only met the guy once
its a strange situation when put under the light of previously expected norms when coming to how well you can know a person
and I agree that there is a gap between how well you can know a person through journal entries and iming and phone calls from what you learn in just the first 5 minutes of spending face to face time with that person, but all in all its been an interesting experience that I've become slowly less and less ashamed of having

b/c if you haven't done the whole face to face when people outside of the lj world ar present then you may not understand the somewhat feeling of guilt and cover stories that you want to concoct to make sure that people don't think you're a whatever introvert that makes online friends and blah
but the more I've experienced with these people the less ashamed I am of the fact that I came across their journal through comments or some other random reason and found a connection with their reasoning or state of mind or whatever

I like my roommate, we work damn well together and I've known that for the close to 7 years I've been in contact with him swapping stories, and music and whatever
lj's been an interesting learning environment
and its something I need to get back into, b/c I miss it

In other news, jobs
I actually might have a very good chance at getting the job I really really want in San Francisco
it's like everything I'd want in a job in the place I really wanted to be in
I had the face to face today and as far as I could tell, I blew them out of the water

but that is still yet to be seen
an interesting side note, so I did research on the company looked through the head guys blah de blah
well they have pictures of them
so Im leaving the bathroom after the interview and who do I hold the door for but the CEO of the entire company
simple guy in a basic short sleeve collared shirt with RAPT on it
make the basic la ti da Have a good day etc
and I take my chance and extend it into a small conversation in which I talked about how excited I was b/c I was interviewing with Rapt and I had even turned down a job offer just to goto the interview etc etc
We talk for awhile he laughs and gives me encouragement and then at the end asks me for my name, I tell him and he goes oh well I'm Tom, nice to meet you
yeah I already knew exactly who he was, Tom Chavez CEO

so maybe that's a good thing, lord knows
but holy crap do I want this job
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