Day 62

Apr 27, 2022 22:51

   A lot of recent activity lately in "Transnistria," the Russian occupied slice of Moldova on the far side of Ukraine. It started three days ago with some small bombs going off there from unclear cause, possibly false flag agitation, and the Russian forces there went to high alert. Then about 24 hours ago the only bridge between mainland Ukraine and the part between Moldova and the Black Sea was hit with a Russian missile. Then two of the largest radio transmitters in Europe, located in Transnistria, were destroyed by Ukraine -- they had been being used to broadcast Russian propaganda across Ukraine. As one journalist quipped, they had previously been used by a televangalist group so the strike was either revenge by Ukraine or God.
   Its been hard to keep track of everything blowing up in Russia, there's been oil depots hit and burning in Bryansk and Belgorad which are in range of Ukraine, but also several major Russian military facilities have happened to catch fire further away, including in Vladivostok at the far end of Russia. And something like five Russian recruiting stations have suffered arson attacks. It seems to me we're seeing some serious resistance movement action within Russia.
   Also last night there was anti aircraft fire in several Russian citiesa bit deep (like 100 miles) into Russia, such as Kurk, Voronezh. Citizens there have got to be wondering how this is possible when they've been told they're winning the war so well.
   The airbase and command center Russia for mind boggling reasons keeps using in Kherson was hit (17th time!) a few days ago during a big staff meeting, reportedly two generals were killed, another seriously injured, and 46 other senior officers killed. This brings Russian generals killed to 10 in less than sixty days. That's a general killed every six days, and half of the originally 20 generals involved in the operation.
   Ukrainian defenders continue to hold out in beseiged Mariupol. During the famous battle of Stalingrad defenders held out in one semi isolated location known as "Pavlov's House" for sixty days and became Soviet legends. The defenders of Mariupol are going on 62 days.
   While on the front lines there's been little movement for the last week or two, and yet insanely Russia has recently been saying their goal is to capture all of southern Ukraine to make a land corridor to Transnistria, which would require insanely ambitious success on their part including capturing the large city of Odessa.
As usual more about any of these stories on my twitter:

russia, war in ukraine, news roundup

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