Sanno At Last!

Apr 24, 2020 00:15

4/22 - 1,655 active cases in Australia - 4??? new in the last 24 hours
4/23 - 1,541 active cases in Australia - 12 new in the last 24 hours

And finally I found a shop with a goodly stock of hand sanitizer and PPE! That looks like a price gouging price on the masks but the $8.99 hand sanitizer seems alright. Got two bottles of "sanno" and a box of gloves. Took a miss on the $70 masks though.

Coming home from work today at 17:45 this was the view as I came back into Birregurra. I quickly parked and rushed out to take this photo. Everything was aglow wit hthis sort of pinkish sherbet color -- there was a light drizzle and low misty clouds that took up and transmitted the glow, which also reflected from the wet asphalt and roofs to just give everything this absolutely surreal glow, it was gorgous.

In other news, at present moment I'm like 106th in LJ overall ratings, but about two days ago I was 99th! I broke a hundred!!! woooo yeah woooooo!

coronavirus, birregurra

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