Wedding Day

Apr 20, 2020 21:34

4/18 - 2349 active cases in Australia - 53 new in the last 24 hours
4/19 - 2306 active cases in Australia - 41 new in the last 24 hours
4/20 - 2290 active cases in Australia - 26 new in the last 24 hours

In some alternate reality where no one took a particular bat to a seafood market in Wuhan, Chima, on Nobemver 17th, I would be in Nassau, Bahamas. Probably getting ready for a very exciting day. Perhaps I'd already be on the beach now, but being as as present moment it is 7:20am there, more likely in a few hours. A few hours from now, but quite possibly while you are reading this, I would be standing in the soft sand of a Bahamian beach beside Cristina. It's a bit warm, in the 80s today, but I'm sure it would be nice on the beach. I'd be wearing a nice guyabera and slacks. She'd be wearing a nice white dress. My parents would be in attendance. A man named Robert would be presiding, who looks like a nice jovial black minister, and I would look into Cristina's large sparkling eyes, her smile would be radiant, and I'd say "I do."

Today was supposed to be our wedding day.

Like Ms Haversham, I'm wearing my nice white guyabera today. Cristina, she's wearing scrubs and a mask today, because she's at work at the hospital and there's a pandemic on.

coronavirus, cristina

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