Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..
Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..
Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..
Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..
Title: Smartphone Author: emo_heysayjump Pairing: yamada/chinen, daiki/yamada, daiki/chinen Rating: G Summary: Their love.. starts with the smartphones..