san diego

Jun 07, 2008 00:34

 i give up

this is all bs

im not gonna stand for this.

i dont know who did it or who planned it but you probably knew about it and didint care. that was not funny, if you wanted to make sure i got on the plane and left you could asked me. im pretty sure thats illegall too. im sick of this LJ crap too. you guys all hid behind your screened comments, friends only journals, filtered posts all that shit. if you and your friends wanna act like this im not gonna take it. go talk all the shit you want im done. im gone, ill only talk to you again if its absoultly nessicary. im coming back in two weeks, im getting my stuff then im gone. i dont even have to talk to you, just be gone when i say im coming over

for the rest of you, you should be ashamed, you think im a bad person ,what you guys did today was low. all i wanted was the truth and you were too scared. thats fine, thats your decition, i know you dont care, im over it. but that is pretty messed up after 5 years cant even be honest with me or yourself, and posting that on my birthday just to be mean. keep your lj friends close, your becoming like them. mean mean mean, why should i respect your wishes if you shit on mine? now run off and tattle on me cause im the real bad guy right? i cheated, and i lied right? i cant be honest and man up and admit i did bad things and dont feel guity. but whatever you still get your way. keep erasing me out of your life, go forget, i dont care, im just like you know.

btw, i was gonna send in a signed letter to the land lord and mail you the keys, but why should i, you deal with it. and your money is here, but i think i need it, and your ring, fuck it throw it away. too bad i dont have a picture of it. i do have pictures of you. i would like nothing better to post them all over. but fuck it, i dont care. i not going to post them, cause it would be mean. i not mean, im hurt and upset, you dont know the fucking difference. so go tell on me, use your lj powers to close my journal or something. go get that bad advice, from mean people, that have no clue themselves, so you can belive it to.

for the few people that read this, that i acutally care about heres what happened:

i was at the airport getting ready to leave, and my name (jay fray, someone doesnt know my name or how to say it )is called on the intercom for an urgent call. so i go up to the gate and they says its from stacee leung. i say hello, and some girl is on there saying that you got hurt on your way home from work, and your in the hospital, when i ask what happed, some dude in the back ground yells "you fucked up dude" and at least 2 girls giggled. i try to ask how it is but they just call me a fucking loser and ask what im gonna do, they tell me to get on the plane and never come back, go kill yourself. hang up. stacee is the only knew besides my family, that i was leaving today, and i made the mistake of posting the flight info here. if someone from lj admins read this, check the caches in the office to find people who went to southwest,com to look up my flight info.

so i hope your happy you got what you want, you didnt have to push so hard. be so mean, lie, all that. so go ahead and erase me now, and talk amongst yourselves and sing the praises of me being gone. im a human being too ya know.
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