I had a nice weekend. Went to a quilt show with my mom on Thursday (will do more on that next post). Friday I hung out with Jordan, we had donuts, played Scrabble and watched Little Britain. It was fun. :) Saturday was also a lot of fun, I took Jordan out to Pasadena to meet Nadia.
We went to Nadia's apartment/house she rents at, ate pizza and played Munchkin. Most people I'm friends with know of Munchkin because they've been forced to play before. It was an oddly long game, we kept loosing a ton of levels, well I lost levels constantly and Nadia pulled every curse card there was. Jordan kinda skated by rather well, though I did come back for the win. We went to this awesome coffee place in Pasadena, though. Truly amazing. I don't know what its called but its located on Colorado and Sierra Madre, though its on Colorado, not directly on the corner but a few spots down. They have the best sugary coffee because its not over done, just nice. And they make fresh crepes! I had a nutella banana one, narm! So yummy. If anyone is in that area, I think you should go to it. I wish I could. *sniff*
Alright the reason I cut most of this post was for the photos from the evening. Photos!!!!
So to the left is Jordan, to the right, the beautiful, amazing Nadia Alquaddoomi . . . and that's them playing Munchkin. Yup.
At some point a creature from outer space came by in the form of a harmless hot-red wig and attacked our heads. Nadia and Jordan survived the attack, but I was not quite as lucky . . . the wig bonded to my head and I was forced to do its bidding the rest of the evening!
Though the wig had my soul, Nadia and Jordan decided to make the best of the situation and dress up as well. That is how real people play Munchkin and provide support to those who've had their heads attacked by wig monsters from outer space!!! Even the stuffed crow offered solace.