Feb 11, 2004 11:18
So I woke up today at around 10. My day started off as usual again, which you are aware of because of the previous entry. So I am in bed still watching my problematic river friends duke their problems out while try to deal with my own thoughts and feelings. I am in a weird mood and have been all week. I don't have class until 3:30 so I intend to just do nothing until then. I have thought of going to the gym, start off my transformation that I keep putting off, and I guess I will just keep putting it off. I got my letter last night from Residence Life and instead of my helping some alcohol awareness class, I have to create an April bulletin board that discusses alcohol awareness and write a 2-3 page essay stating what it means to be a student leader. Hmmmmmm, let me think, basically it means selling my fucking soul to Res-life. It's so annoying. I'll write my essay as if it is going to an english teacher, I mean do they really care about my essay. If I write an "F" essay what will they do, tell me to do a re-write? They are just throwing anything my way so that I will "learn" from my bad and terrible misdoings. Well all I learned is to not trust everyone who is my friend. I hate the fact that I have to be so weary of who I choose to become friends with. This is high school, actually for me it's more middle school, or even elementary school. The last person to really betray me was from elem. school. Who would have thought that now, 10 years later the same type of shit still happens. I guess it's better this way, I am just so pissed. My RA line is ringing now and I refuse to answer it. Who know's who was calling. Maybe someone needed to get into their room. I guess I really am some great student leader, I won't even answer my phone line for someone who "needs" me. Oh well. Enough of my complaining, I am just going finish up my show, shower, and get reading or something like that.