Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2004 23:13

To day is Valentines Day and let me tell you, it wasn't totally bad. I was worried that the day would suck, that I would sit and dwell on how lame my life is and how no one will ever love me for me...blah, blah (I do that enough on regular days!). So the day started off we Jenna and I going down to Washington DC's Design Center. The Design Center is only open one Saturday each year, and it just so happened that we got to go. We had to go for our Textiles class. Now getting there was quite the story. The metro stop that our teacher told us was Federal Triangle, however after a half hour searching around the stop we realized she was wrong and it was Federal Center that we should have gotten off at. Finally we got there and it was very cool inside the building. At around noon we snuck off and got back to Ballston to meet up with Poojita, Martin, Hakki, and their friend Andros. We all went out to Georgetown for lunch at a Turkish restaraunt. Now, Jenna has a thing for Hakki (hott international guy) and it's like wise. He is cute...Turkish, tall, thin, dark, and handsome...oh yea that accent he has is great too. Anyway, we got to the restaraunt, Divan's and got our food. Mine was terrible. I got turkish raviolis with a yogart sauce. The sauce was on EVERYTHING, so no matter what I got it would have been bad. The rice pudding for dessert was quite good though. Lunch was overall very cultural. Hakki from Turkey, Martin from Denmark, Poojita from India/Canada, and Andros from the US, but he was a tree hugging hippy. Then there is Jenna, my little Utah friend and myself, good ol' Baltimoron! After lunch Martin and Andros left and the rest of us decided to go to the movies. We saw 50 First Dates. I liked the movie, I thought it was pretty cute. After the movie we headed back to campus to drop Jenna off show she wouldn't be late for her babysitting and then Hakki drove me back to my car left at the restaraunt. This was so we didn't have to pay parking at the movie for two cars. On the ride there Poojita was in the front while I sat in the back of his beloved Camero! Hott car! He put in this CD he made and it was really good. I commented on how I liked it and he said that he could burn me a copy. Now...Hakki is the type of guy that I could see making me a copy after I only once said that I liked the cd. That is the kinda person I am. I used to be more like this, but on a level I still am. If someone asked me for something or one time mentioned that they liked something I would remember it and make them a CD when the other person probably forgot. I don't know, I guess my friends at home might understand how I don't forget little things like that. I am more inclined to do it for someone I like though. Anyway, If he is like that then he is really a nice guy. It would actually really suprise me if he burned me a copy, but if he didn't then I wouldn't think anyless of him. It's just really cool when a guy can remember details like that. He even remembered giving me a piece of chocolate in class, that I totally forgot. That is why I could see him doing something like that. Ok Ok.....probably sounds like I am obsessed with the guy, but he isn't my type and he is "Jenna's". After I got back to school, Angela and I had our hall program. Originally it was supost to be going into DC to see "Cinemashow" but since my residents don't give a fuck, we just bought three pizzas and had a pizza party. Only two residents showed up though, oh well. Phil and Amanda came buy to help eat it. Then after that I decided to watch some "Can't Hardly Wait" until Amy, her friend and Kristin came to my room to invite me to S'mores on the Rowley balcony. Now how cool is that. She bought sternos and we made them and had hot chocolate. I really like doing stuff like that. Actually the whole day was pretty damn great, and I didn't even get down on myself about the whole LOVELESS life that I lead. Right now I am just typing away and I am on duty. I guess I will get off now, but I just had to record that finally I have had a decent day, something I haven't had in a long time, and probably won't have for a while again. Anyway, Goodnight and I love you.

***I often sign my journal entries with I Love You, not directed to anyone, just to myself or everyone!***
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