Sep 04, 2009 15:45
Sorry, i'm probably gonna be talking about RL until i get settled back into school.
and still probably some then, lol
I still love my bandom boys! (shane and brendon and spencer ♥_♥. plus RyanandJon MUSIC!)
But the guys in my real life are also kind of awesome!
"I feel like someone just smoked a huge ton of weed and dumped it on my life right now"- casual guy friend #3. seriously. Like... sometimes? the girls in my real life are just... moody and flaky and shallow. the guys? i don't have any kind of deep ~connection with them, not like the girls who i'll still love even when their a bit bitchy. by the guys, they're funny and easy to talk too, and kind of a breath of fresh air from ~girl world.
Also I laughed for like 5 minutes straight. I squeaked while laughing. and my band teacher teased me about my squeak. it was kind of amazing.
sometimes... sometimes life doesn't suck so hard.
random happiness,