Jan 23, 2010 13:31
I always forget how much I despise writing queries and synopses and pitches and such. Condensing my work down into so many words/pages is hard work, man. And I'm pretty certain I'm lousy at it.
Yes, I'm cutting it fine, getting this done about two days before the contest starts (well, technically more like one, since I'll probably upload the thing nineish my time tomorrow, which will be midnight east coast time) but I've been in such a creative slump that I couldn't even think about doing it before them.
I've been tweaking it for a good hour and a half, and I still don't think it's particularly good. But I also know it's the best I'm gonna get, so whatever will be, will be, and all that.
Wow, I really couldn't sound more apathetic right now, could I? Ask me in a couple weeks when I'm a bundle of nerves, and I'll wish I could find this kind of calm.