A conundrum

Dec 29, 2009 11:25

Right, so I've a bit of a situation here, and I have no real idea what to do.

On the one hand, there's an agent looking at 30 pages of my book. Great, fantastic, and all that. Given the timeline she has posted on her website in regards to hearing back from her, I'd estimate I'll get a reply sometime late January, early February.

The problem? The end of January is also when Amazon is having their breakthrough novel award contest again. Now, I obviously can't enter my newest book, since that one's with the agent. But my question is, should I try entering something else?

That's what my conundrum is. I mean, of -course- I hope I get a reply that says "Oh my yes, send me the whole thing!" But let's face it, I've been at this for 3+ years. At this point, I know better than to count my chickens and all that. And I've got that one nano novel from last year which is just dark and interesting enough that I might at least get past the first round this year.

But what if the agent does want to see more? Would my entering tick her off, or ruffle her feathers, what with how she's giving me her valuable time and energy to read my stuff? But then, what if I get rejected? I'll have missed the opportunity of the ABNA contest.

Thus is my dilemma. And really, I just have no good answer for it.
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