Dec 02, 2009 18:40
Hey there, how're you doing? Come on, sit down, we need to talk.
Look, I know things have been a bit rough between us lately. That's my fault, I know that. First I decided not to go with that superhero story for nano, which I know hurt your feelings. But it just wasn't up for the process, and I had to think about that.
And I know this is kind of a recurring theme in our relationship, that I keep rejecting the more of your ideas. You do have to admit though, sometimes you come up with stuff that is -really- out there. Like, reaaaalllly. And I just don't think anyone besides us would even get it.
Which kind of brings me to my point. I know we're bored, that always happens after we finish a project. We just don't know what to do with ourselves when we're not working. But that doesn't mean we should just dive head first into the first idea that comes to you after finishing the nano novel.
Firstly, vampires, while popular now, are going to reach their peak soon and then something else will knock it away and be the Big Thing. We've seen this happen. So even if the idea is topical now, it won't be by the time the story is over. Also, those Twilight fans are scary, do we really want to get on their bad side with a tongue-in-cheek portrayal of vampires, which would end up poking fun at a lot of the things they take (way too) seriously from those books? No, we do not. Besides, other people are already doing that, so what's the point of jumping on that bandwagon.
Also, yes, the idea of the Big Bad Vampire getting all bent out of shape with his minion over the girl he's supposed to kill for some supernatural reason because the minion forgot to mention, and I quote "That she's hot" is really, really funny. At least to us. Which is another one of our problems. No one -besides- us really gets our sense of humor, which can be a problem.
And the idea of making it a musical is just plain silly, because I don't think they even do that in book form. Really, that's just coming from watching "A Very Potter Musical" this afternoon. Which was hilarious.
What I'm really trying to say here is that I know we've got our problems. Every relationship does. But we need to work through these problems, because I won't let it break us up. We need each other. So let's try to find a compromise somewhere, and one of these days we'll write a novel that will get published.
And maybe we'll even write that superhero story.
(Don't mind me, really. You all just go about your business.)